7 Things We Need to Do to be Different from the Crowd

things we need different

There’s a principle that you can only achieve differently if you’ll start to do things differently. Thus, evaluate your strategies, for example, in your business the past twelve months and the goals you did touch through them. Or, with regard to your dealings with your superiors if you’re an employee: how far have you established good relationship in your work place? How’s your leadership in your own family?

Future Wife Needs Love and Understanding Ways to Understand a Woman

future wife needs love understanding

Here are some tips on how to attract a mature-minded, middle-income, intelligent, godly, well-adjusted and potential future wife. But, firstly, may I stress that our approach differs with one’s level of maturity, experience, and godliness.

Great Love for Ourselves Less Love for Our God

great love for ourselves

The real problem in this life is our great love for ourselves. As such, we tend to attribute all our laurels to no one but ourselves. God, in our natural experience, seems to be just another Grandpa in our trying times. We don’t see some big deal with Him. We don’t give God the honor and glory due Him as our Heavenly Father and Creator. Our mind and heart are all focused on ourselves, on our money, job, or our relationships. Even in our deathbed, we tend to call God only as an Emergency Assistant. We all have the great love for ourselves and less love for our God.

Financial Education Improves Economy

financial education

Ten lottery winners were studied and found out that they were unprepared for success and wealth. Hence, we badly need a little financial education. For all of these winners returned to poverty naturally, since the large sum of money they won corrupted them. “Daydreams of a millionaire lifestyle,” wrote someone, “seem to have a habit of turning sour faster than a sub-prime mortgage–-isolation, paranoia, drugs, crime,

Crab Mentality, Or the Culture of Pulling Down

crab mentality

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on February 18th, 2020

Crab Mentality

One black American friend of mine told me that his problem is the crab mentality of his relatives. I think this problem is true in all cultures, for it stems from our envious and covetous nature—our nature to love what’s not ours! Like crabs, we pull down to our level anyone who will rise above us from among our clan members. As a family, we want our relative who’s richer than we are to help us and pull us out from  where we are.

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People Becoming the Object of Fear Not Love

People Becoming the Object of Fear

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on January 14th, 2020

People Becoming the Object of Fear, Not Love

People becoming the object of fear, instead of love? I have been traveling these days from one city to another, holding meetings, etc. and found out that all places are the same: they are full of people, from east to west, north to south. There’s a flood of humanity everywhere either looking for food, for pleasure or criminal activities. But why people have become the object of our fear sometimes, not of our love?

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