Biblical Gospel Explained

biblical gospel

The word “gospel” means good news. And biblical gospel refers to the good news according to the Holy Bible. If it is not scriptural, it is a counterfeit gospel. We need to shake that off at all costs. But what is this good news or biblical gospel? The short answer is Jesus Christ.

Earthly People After the Millennium – Ruled by the Believers

earthly people

We, Adam’s children, are the summit of God’s creation. We were created to trust in Jesus Christ for our salvation from hell for our Maker’s big plan for us in the universe beyond the span of time. Those rejecters and deniers of our Lord Jesus couldn’t be a part of this sacred grand design. His program, according to the Scriptures, is to let Christ’s born-again followers and all those saved people since the days of old ( all those partakers of the First Resurrection!) run the affairs of God’s earthly people after the Millennium. We will be kings and priests (the kingdom administrators) of Jesus Christ eternal reign — the Lord of lords and the King of kings. (cf. Rev. 17:14; 1 Tim. 6:15)

Promised Immortality to Christ’s Truly Regenerated Followers

promised immortality for christians

Promised immortality to Christ’s truly regenerated followers. 1000 years life on earth is a pale comparison with the Christian promised immortality …. A brief life that is devotedly faithful to Jesus Christ as Lord and personal Savior is better off than a hundred years of a Christless existence. Leonardo da Vinci once said that “a life well-spent is a long life.” This thought, profound as it may appear, is still inadequate if used to describe the Christian hope of eternal life in heaven with God. Set side by side with the promised immortality through faith in Christ, a thousand years of life on Earth is just a pale in comparison.

Happiness in Christ is Better Experienced Than Explained Your Happiness or Unhappiness Remains a Subjective Option

happiness christ better experienced than explained

True happiness is all about yourself, your inner emotion or response, and not any stimulus outside of yourself. You cannot buy happiness, they say, as you don’t purchase what you already own. The character of your heart and mind, therefore, plays a huge role in maintaining a life of peace and happiness.

Understanding Physical Death & the Life Beyond

understanding physical death

Death is a cruel master. He has the power to kill a janitor or a senator. Understanding physical death from the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Holy Scriptures is, therefore, second to none as to its significance.

Learn How Greed Inspires Strange Thoughts About Love How is Love Offered by the Dominance of Greed

strange thoughts about love

Funny or strange thoughts about love continue to come and go like unwanted visitors of many healthy relationships. Have you heard about the so-called “5 Bs” that a man must require from a woman before deciding to marry her? I was a high schooler when I first heard some strange thoughts about love. They said that the ideal woman has “5 Bs,” the acronym for 1) Beauty; 2) Brain; 3) Background; 4) Behavior; and 5) Bank Book.

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