Biblical Gospel Explained

biblical gospel

The word “gospel” means good news. And biblical gospel refers to the good news according to the Holy Bible. If it is not scriptural, it is a counterfeit gospel. We need to shake that off at all costs. But what is this good news or biblical gospel? The short answer is Jesus Christ.



This book, CHRISTIAN TEACHINGS REVISITED, shows to the reader the basics of Christianity such as how to get salvation and to stay saved from God’s judgment. Without an interest in the spiritual realm, the careless person could not see any value from this paper. I am not surprised since he is disinterested even in studying the Holy Bible. Sidney Bremer once said, “What is $200 to a horse?” If one is not interested in the salvation of his own soul from the penalty of sin in hell — if he is not interested in Christ’s free forgiveness for him to have eternal life after death! — then even Christ Himself cannot persuade him. No one can motivate him to study Christian doctrines as they don’t taste good to him. Christianity is just meaningless to him!

Seed of the Woman Who Gave us Truth, Hope & a Future

seed woman prophecy jesus christ

God’s love is the message of true Christianity, and it is beautifully woven into the story of the Seed of the woman. The Holy Bible tells us the big story about this Seed. It begins with our Father God creating all things in heaven and on earth out of nothing. He embellished the boundless expanse of the universe with stars and galaxies. Through His powers, the void and formless earth then saw the shining sun as the clouds dressed the skies. He created life which then brought many things to the earth such as the music of nature during the night and the amazing millions of colors that painted the breaking of every day. I am always seized by the magnificence of the mountain ranges, the rivers, and the joy of the flowers, for in nature I see divine beauty and design—the very portrayal of God’s loving character!

Time Consciousness Bars Eternal Life


Be enslaved, therefore, by time consciousness and consider timelessness as a prominent symbol of ignorance or academic mediocrity. Or, think about the soul as just the brain; and God, the natural product of malnutrition or sleeplessness or the analgesic of the poor.

Praise-Worship Doctrine of Extreme Pentecostalism

praise-worship extreme pentecostalism praise and worship

Praise-Worship Instead of Praise and Worship. Pentecostal theologians say that if you truly praise God, then show it physically. Van Cleave added that a showy-praise practice is an aid to worship. (See Guy P. Duffield and Nathaniel M. Van Cleave. Foundations of Pentecostal Theology. L.I.F.E. Bible Colleg, San Dimas, California 91773. 1987.) In Pentecostal meetings you will find some dancing, clapping, crying, shouting, speaking in tongues, among other forms of worship-disorder. They call it as “praise and worship.” Further examinations of this teaching, however, show that it more fitting for the doctrine to be named as PRAISE-WORSHIP instead of “praise and worship.”

Poverty Toward God is Great Tragedy

poverty toward god

What is the greatest form of poverty in this life? Poor pocket? Poor health? Poor relationship? NO! When cancer or accident comes to kill, Christ would say: “Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee…[but] you are not rich toward God.” In Luke 12:20-21, Christ taught about poverty toward God.

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