Biblical Gospel Explained

biblical gospel

The word “gospel” means good news. And biblical gospel refers to the good news according to the Holy Bible. If it is not scriptural, it is a counterfeit gospel. We need to shake that off at all costs. But what is this good news or biblical gospel? The short answer is Jesus Christ.

The Value of Loving Christ

value of loving Christ

I want to explore the value of loving Christ our Lord. You may accuse me of discussing an offbeat topic for the unbelievers, but our niche leads us to discuss this type of conversation. The value of loving Christ is akin to divine security of immortality—your immortality!

Happy Family Demands Common Faith in God, Not Just Love What Everyone Ought To Know About Happy Family

happy family

Do you want to build a happy family and keep your loved ones forever? If so, avoid having an illicit relationship. Be honest with your life partner. Let your spouse discover once in a while the clutter of your mobile phone. Be transparent. Work hard while you still have the strength. Trust in Christ Jesus!

Powers of Darkness Hover Philippine Politics

powers of darkness

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on February 15th, 2020

From the biblical perspective, the Filipino people, just like the Syrians, the Americans, or the Chinese, are experiencing today a sense of a political climate that is primarily influenced by what the Bible calls as the “powers. . .of this darkness.” (Eph. 6:12 NASB) But how do we know that the forces of this darkness are now in perfect control of the Filipino nation? Easy. By the united voice of the people for what is completely anti-God and anti-Bible. When the powers of evil hovered upon the Jews, the cried out together at the top of their voice that Christ had to be crucified, and Barabbas, the robber and murderer, released to them.

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What Will Happen After the Millennium?


There will be countless people on earth forever whom we, the saints of God in Christ, will administer together with our Lord Jesus after the Millennium. (cf. Rev. 22:5, Dan. 7:27) Our final state as Christians will be that of a ruler and judge who will have immortal bodies just like our Lord Jesus, heirs and children of God in Christ, our beloved Savior.

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