The Christian Teaching about Walking with God

walking with God

Self-satisfaction or the dopamine effect is a given in an event like this. But from the Christian doctrine, your fellowship with our Lord’s Spirit determines your walk with God or walk with the darkness. Your charities for the poor should always be the natural outcome of your true faith in Jesus Christ.

Weakening Moral Values, Liberalism, & Gender Perversion

weakening moral values

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on April 1st, 2021

Weakening Moral Values

The weakening of moral values signals society’s compulsory return to the basic Orthodox Christian teachings or there could be no “healing of our land.” President Donald Trump viewed the problems of the Americans as solvable only through draining the swamp (as Social Media describe it) that was reasonably devised by the Liberals and the open border politicians. Trump, whose parents were Presbyterians, talked a lot about his concern for the Jewish people and one reason could perhaps be traced by his “Jewish grasp” (Bible knowledge aside) since Ivanka, his daughter, was married to a Jew (real estate developer Jared Kushner). Anyhow, Trump is a more Bible-quoting president than Obama who was one compelling leader of the Americans’ weakening moral values.

“Anyhow, Trump is a more Bible-quoting president than Obama who was one compelling leader of the Americans’ weakening moral values.”

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Tongues Speaking of Extreme Pentecostalism Examined Biblically

tongue speaking praise and worship

Tongues speaking is one primary teaching we want to cover here.This paper intends to bring out more biblical facts and analyses about the biblical speaking in tongues versus the heretical tongues as part of the extreme Pentecostal theology. We don’t theorize, as did Spurgeon, that speaking in tongues is already a lost gift since in Acts 2:33 and 39, it is said that the PROMISE OF THE FATHER is going to be given for all generations.

One Important Life Principle

important life principle

One important life principle is to make sure we have the feeling of fulfillment and joy as we age. I heard about countless young people who did not have a sense of purpose as if life on earth will be young forever, and the grave is but a great storied fiction. Time is the utmost treasure of life. Hence, one important life principle is to focus our attention on the currency of time.

Extreme Pentecostalism Analyzed from the Biblical Standpoint

extreme pentecostalism praise and worship

The core doctrine of extreme Pentecostalism is that we can experience God directly (and physically!) during a worship service. The question that is worthy of biblically answering is: Does God answer to people’s emotions in a worship service? This experience is dictated by feelings and the belief of God’s presence “in our midst” as experienced by Christ’s disciples in Acts, Chapter Two.

Christian Moral Values and How the Internet Affects Them

christian moral values how internet affects them

Why is it that we are not improving, for example, in our Christian moral values and judgments, despite the explosion of knowledge and the endless establishment of school institutions? It seems we don’t advance ourselves. We are improving in many aspects of our life as we witness the advent of mobile phones and other technological wonders of our generation. But sad that we don’t heighten our Christian moral values!

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