Annoyingly Persistent Prayer is What God Requires


Of an annoyingly persistent prayer: Who can do it? David’s prayer to God for the recovery of his sick son with Bathsheba is one biblical example of a persistent prayer. The Bible stated that the child “was very sick. David, therefore, inquired of God for the child; and David fasted and went and lay all night on the ground. The elders of his household stood beside him in order to raise him up from the ground, but he was unwilling and would not eat food with them.” (2 Sam. 12:1b-17) Only the real believers can do such agonizingly persistent prayer!

God’s Promised Holy Spirit Unclaimed: Powerless Witnesses of Christ

god's promised holy spirit

Jun P. Espina&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp8 min read Updated on May 28th, 2022God’s Promised Holy Spirit What is the primary cause of our powerlessness in the pulpit? Most preachers and church workers are so powerless that it is difficult to fill the church auditorium with people without using extra-biblical teachings and strategies. It is one of the subjects … Read more

Extreme Pentecostalism Analyzed from the Biblical Standpoint

extreme pentecostalism praise and worship

The core doctrine of extreme Pentecostalism is that we can experience God directly (and physically!) during a worship service. The question that is worthy of biblically answering is: Does God answer to people’s emotions in a worship service? This experience is dictated by feelings and the belief of God’s presence “in our midst” as experienced by Christ’s disciples in Acts, Chapter Two.

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