psalm 23

I am always supporting Pentecostalism, for God honors it by saving the lost through this persuasion as well. Who am I to judge what God has used for the salvation of souls? After Paul rebuked the Corinthian church for speaking in tongues like fools, he said “do not forbid to speak in tongues.” (1 Cor. 14:39) True, we cannot fathom the “fine prints” in God’s words most of the time. But the extreme Pentecostalism is just far-off; studying and exposing it is always beneficial for real Christianity that is committed to the truth. It is the very core topic of this humble work.

Spirit-filled Witnesses Impacting Real Christianity More

testimony that grabs away christ glory honor

I heard few preachers in my life as a Christian who introduced the importance of their sermon by announcing their efforts and the many hours of research they spent in the preparation of their message. After listening, however, we were like dogs on famine mood — learning nothing (no real spiritual encouragement and revival) from the so-called “message from God.” We all need the power of the Holy Spirit, taught the Holy Scriptures, before we can be effective witnesses of our Lord Jesus Christ. The temptation of most public speakers, they be pastors or not, is to deliver a discourse that is acceptable and pleasing to the ears of their listeners, both politically correct and worthy of the audience’s hurrahs. Witnessing for Christ Jesus, however, is a field requiring Christ’s assistance through the Holy Spirit. It is the only proven method to make the poor and unschooled Peter to become an Apostle, preacher, and one of the writers of the New Testament. It was clearly taught in Acts 1:8: “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.” One research shows, for example, that hundreds of the descendants of the man of God, Jonathan Edwards, also became preachers and workers of the Lord’s Church. The Spirit-filled witnesses of Christ have impacted real Christianity for thousands of years more than the PowerPoint and Internet-assisted Bible scholars and authors of Christian books of today’s generation.

The Value of Loving Christ

value of loving Christ

I want to explore the value of loving Christ our Lord. You may accuse me of discussing an offbeat topic for the unbelievers, but our niche leads us to discuss this type of conversation. The value of loving Christ is akin to divine security of immortality—your immortality!

God’s Promised Holy Spirit Unclaimed: Powerless Witnesses of Christ

god's promised holy spirit

Jun P. Espina&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp8 min read Updated on May 28th, 2022God’s Promised Holy Spirit What is the primary cause of our powerlessness in the pulpit? Most preachers and church workers are so powerless that it is difficult to fill the church auditorium with people without using extra-biblical teachings and strategies. It is one of the subjects … Read more

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