Of Writing a Christian Blog

Christian blog

What is most ignored in the cyber world—the Christian blog—turns out to give its writer satisfaction in the writing universe. Why? The reason is plain when by faith you hear Christ saying, “[F]or apart from Me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5) We are connected to Christ by faith. His Spirit lives in our souls, giving us hope for the future. Writing a Christian blog for the salvation of the lost gives honor and glory to our Lord—and that’s what we should do!

Christ’s Promised Eternal Life Versus Salvation by Works Why You Really Need Eternal Life in Christ

Christs promised eternal life

Faith in Jesus is the key to living forever, “for by GRACE you have been saved through FAITH.” Christ’s promised eternal life makes sense since we are sinners and cannot impress God with our gifts and charities to the poor. Hence, our salvation, our eternal life, is “the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.”

Heavenly Residents Because of Christ

heavenly residents assuredly

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on February 14th, 2020

Heavenly Residents

One good news we love to listen again and again is that we will be heavenly residents assuredly in the hereafter because of Jesus Christ. Paul, the apostle, wrote about it: “For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.” (Phil 3:20) It does not matter if one had been living the life of a thief or a murderer for a long time before one followed our Lord. It does matter if one is a stick-in-the-mud sinner because all human beings in heaven since time began were true blue sinners irrespective of the weight of their wickedness and age level at death. Don’t get me wrong—continue reading, please!

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Praise-Worship Doctrine of Extreme Pentecostalism

praise-worship extreme pentecostalism praise and worship

Praise-Worship Instead of Praise and Worship. Pentecostal theologians say that if you truly praise God, then show it physically. Van Cleave added that a showy-praise practice is an aid to worship. (See Guy P. Duffield and Nathaniel M. Van Cleave. Foundations of Pentecostal Theology. L.I.F.E. Bible Colleg, San Dimas, California 91773. 1987.) In Pentecostal meetings you will find some dancing, clapping, crying, shouting, speaking in tongues, among other forms of worship-disorder. They call it as “praise and worship.” Further examinations of this teaching, however, show that it more fitting for the doctrine to be named as PRAISE-WORSHIP instead of “praise and worship.”

Flawed Belief System Before Learning Real Christianity

flawed belief system bythisverse

Of the judgment after death (mentioned in Hebrews 9:27) versus our typical flawed belief system. The second part of Hebrews 9:27 teaches that “after this [death] comes judgment.” We find three important points from this Scripture, namely: 1) That there will be a JUDGMENT; 2) That there will be a JUDGE, and; 3) That there will be LIFE AFTER DEATH to be JUDGED. Amazing, indeed! For only four words namely, “after this comes judgment,” we discover three very satisfying truths about who we are and what will become of us. True, there is life beyond the grave awaiting divine judgment and, of course, there will be a Judge.

Promised Immortality to Christ’s Truly Regenerated Followers

promised immortality for christians

Promised immortality to Christ’s truly regenerated followers. 1000 years life on earth is a pale comparison with the Christian promised immortality …. A brief life that is devotedly faithful to Jesus Christ as Lord and personal Savior is better off than a hundred years of a Christless existence. Leonardo da Vinci once said that “a life well-spent is a long life.” This thought, profound as it may appear, is still inadequate if used to describe the Christian hope of eternal life in heaven with God. Set side by side with the promised immortality through faith in Christ, a thousand years of life on Earth is just a pale in comparison.

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