Point of Life When All Become Meaningless Then?

point of life

What’s the point of life when death is not far off? These questions have answers in all facets of human civilization. The Holy Scriptures touched them richly. You may dance all night and drench yourself with a wild orgy of music, caring nothing for the life in you that is God-given but be sure you will find nothing but meaninglessness in your slough of revelry and baseness.

Faith Builds the Person, Saves a Miserable Life

faith builds

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on February 13th, 2020

Faith Builds the Person

Without faith, human existence would be miserable if not impossible, for in it hangs all institutions of government and society. Without it, no civilization can ever stand. Our banking system, for example, is one organization where people deposit money based on faith alone that when needed it can be withdrawn. Faith, therefore, is our most precious possession as it provides us the reasoned sense of assurance as we confront our doubts and fears. How did you know, for instance, that the guy who took your beloved wife and son to the airport was a professional cabdriver? With faith that all is well with you today, you would have a peaceful harmony with your inner being; and with your incoherent suspicions of life prevented from spreading and conquering your mind and soul. For “faith is the assurance of things hoped for,” according to the Holy Bible, “the evidence of things not seen.” (Heb 11:1) It is the eyes of our soul and the root of a happy and peaceful existence itself. Faith builds the person, whereas doubt and skepticism would only lead one to stagnation, hopelessness, and defeat.

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Earthly People After the Millennium – Ruled by the Believers

earthly people

We, Adam’s children, are the summit of God’s creation. We were created to trust in Jesus Christ for our salvation from hell for our Maker’s big plan for us in the universe beyond the span of time. Those rejecters and deniers of our Lord Jesus couldn’t be a part of this sacred grand design. His program, according to the Scriptures, is to let Christ’s born-again followers and all those saved people since the days of old ( all those partakers of the First Resurrection!) run the affairs of God’s earthly people after the Millennium. We will be kings and priests (the kingdom administrators) of Jesus Christ eternal reign — the Lord of lords and the King of kings. (cf. Rev. 17:14; 1 Tim. 6:15)

God Owns Everything Except Our Decision to Live in Heaven

god owns everything except decision live heaven

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on March 24th, 2021

Where is the Arrogance About Life When God Owns Everything?

At the prime of his life, age 36, a friend of mine died of heart attack. Very healthy and robust, but his heart failed him one day during a party. Yes, the first symptom of a heart attack is death, the number one killer disease. Everyone attending the party was shocked, couldn’t accept seeing a healthy young man killed by a cardiac failure. From such episode of life, we saw how God owns everything. At His command, we may live or die. For in “his hand,” stated Job 12:10, “is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind.”

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Flawed Belief System Before Learning Real Christianity

flawed belief system bythisverse

Of the judgment after death (mentioned in Hebrews 9:27) versus our typical flawed belief system. The second part of Hebrews 9:27 teaches that “after this [death] comes judgment.” We find three important points from this Scripture, namely: 1) That there will be a JUDGMENT; 2) That there will be a JUDGE, and; 3) That there will be LIFE AFTER DEATH to be JUDGED. Amazing, indeed! For only four words namely, “after this comes judgment,” we discover three very satisfying truths about who we are and what will become of us. True, there is life beyond the grave awaiting divine judgment and, of course, there will be a Judge.

Promised Immortality to Christ’s Truly Regenerated Followers

promised immortality for christians

Promised immortality to Christ’s truly regenerated followers. 1000 years life on earth is a pale comparison with the Christian promised immortality …. A brief life that is devotedly faithful to Jesus Christ as Lord and personal Savior is better off than a hundred years of a Christless existence. Leonardo da Vinci once said that “a life well-spent is a long life.” This thought, profound as it may appear, is still inadequate if used to describe the Christian hope of eternal life in heaven with God. Set side by side with the promised immortality through faith in Christ, a thousand years of life on Earth is just a pale in comparison.

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