Have Excellent Health in an Old Age We Need to Take Responsibility for Our Health


Bill Gates owns 269,000 acres of farmland, but it is just meaningless without excellent health. As Steve Jobs said, “Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me.” But why are we thoughtless on average about giving ourselves everything to serve up a long life? Our healthy existence up to a ripe old age is all we have. Health is superior to wealth. For this reason, we have pursued a more lethal path when we have put wealth before health.

Peace with Yourself – The Christian Way

peace with yourself

Problems come and go, but you need to have peace with yourself. Yes. Some problems don’t have a solution. Death is one example. It has no way out. Our future death is not a problem for us. Am I right? We don’t even bother to buy our coffin or iron our grave clothes. To mourn over spilled milk is like providing a solution to an unsolvable problem. Just let the dogs lick it, then forget it.

A Happy Life from the Inside

a happy life

A happy life is simple to explain because happiness is pure “self-business” or the affair of the inner self. If you cannot be happy without the company of a friend or even a dog, I think you have a problem with yourself.

Christian Hope of Immortality and a Blissful Life in Heaven

christian hope immortality blissful life in heaven

Our belief of a deathless life in heaven is the most remarkable Christian expectation and confidence in this life. Why, because “it has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit.” Our Christian hope of immortality and a blissful life in heaven—in a new, incorruptible body (1 Cor. 15:51-54)—is not mere utopian or quixotic dream. It is a living hope that will always survive with the Holy Spirit watering such seed of anticipation of the forgiven soul. The Apostle Peter called this Christian hopefulness as the living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

How To Finally Start Trusting God, After You’ve Tried Everything Else Secrets To Trusting God Revealed: Here's What You Need To Know

trusting god

The “Lord is good” if you just decide to “taste and see” the experience. Trusting God with all your heart and taking refuge in Him by faith opens the door to heaven’s blessings.

Faith Builds the Person, Saves a Miserable Life

faith builds

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on February 13th, 2020

Faith Builds the Person

Without faith, human existence would be miserable if not impossible, for in it hangs all institutions of government and society. Without it, no civilization can ever stand. Our banking system, for example, is one organization where people deposit money based on faith alone that when needed it can be withdrawn. Faith, therefore, is our most precious possession as it provides us the reasoned sense of assurance as we confront our doubts and fears. How did you know, for instance, that the guy who took your beloved wife and son to the airport was a professional cabdriver? With faith that all is well with you today, you would have a peaceful harmony with your inner being; and with your incoherent suspicions of life prevented from spreading and conquering your mind and soul. For “faith is the assurance of things hoped for,” according to the Holy Bible, “the evidence of things not seen.” (Heb 11:1) It is the eyes of our soul and the root of a happy and peaceful existence itself. Faith builds the person, whereas doubt and skepticism would only lead one to stagnation, hopelessness, and defeat.

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