Have Excellent Health in an Old Age We Need to Take Responsibility for Our Health


Bill Gates owns 269,000 acres of farmland, but it is just meaningless without excellent health. As Steve Jobs said, “Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me.” But why are we thoughtless on average about giving ourselves everything to serve up a long life? Our healthy existence up to a ripe old age is all we have. Health is superior to wealth. For this reason, we have pursued a more lethal path when we have put wealth before health.

The Atheist Billionaire’s Road to Faith


But when Esme challenged him to face his unfaithfulness biblically, he would attack Esme’s Christian God with every accusation he learned from the atheists’ websites. “Christianity dismisses science.” That was Deicon’s familiar punchline.

Of Writing a Christian Blog

Christian blog

What is most ignored in the cyber world—the Christian blog—turns out to give its writer satisfaction in the writing universe. Why? The reason is plain when by faith you hear Christ saying, “[F]or apart from Me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5) We are connected to Christ by faith. His Spirit lives in our souls, giving us hope for the future. Writing a Christian blog for the salvation of the lost gives honor and glory to our Lord—and that’s what we should do!



True Christianity is about struggle or warfare “against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness.” (Eph. 6:12) This paper, “Overcoming Adversities by the Power of God,” deals with trials and sufferings God crushes to preserve the born-again follower of Christ. How to fight demonic forces without understanding the devil’s schemes from God’s viewpoint? The apostle Paul said we must “extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.” (Eph. 6:16) Peter also said: “Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” (1 Pet. 1:5) It is Christianity 101. It is overcoming adversities by the power of God since the devil seeks to tempt and victimize Christ’s people.

Overcoming Adversities by the Power of God


From the world’s view, this thesis is false because the top in the list of people who get persecution or death are always Christians. In the U.S., for example, the believers of Jesus are viewed as bigots, having a mental disorder, and intolerant. The problem is that most of those attacking Christianity are themselves, bigots, having a mental disorder, and intolerant. There is so much hypocrisy in society but born-again Christianity is simply based on the truth, who is Christ.

Christ’s Prayer Philosophy to Ask for Bread Daily

christ's prayer philosophy ask bread daily

God is involved in our daily life. He is providing us with everything, from rain to seeds and soil for us to have breakfast the next day. We cannot create a farmland; much less the perfection of nature that we all depended on for survival. The works of our heart and all the organs in our body support that we believe God. Unbelief does not make sense. Rejection of God and His claims are just the side effect of the faith of Adam and Eve in demonic lies. Most of us mock Christ’s claims because of Satan’s doctrine that was embraced by our first parents that we would be like God, knowing good and evil. (cf. Gen. 3:5) The truth is, we don’t know anything about good and evil from God’s point of view. After Adam’s fall, Cain killed his brother Abel. Yes, what people thought as real knowledge of good and evil was just Satan’s taste and standard of what is good and what is evil. Christ taught that the devil is the father of lies and a murderer from the very beginning. We need to trust God through His Son, Jesus Christ, or we would not understand God’s version of right from wrong.

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