Tongues Speaking of Extreme Pentecostalism Examined Biblically

tongue speaking praise and worship

Tongues speaking is one primary teaching we want to cover here.This paper intends to bring out more biblical facts and analyses about the biblical speaking in tongues versus the heretical tongues as part of the extreme Pentecostal theology. We don’t theorize, as did Spurgeon, that speaking in tongues is already a lost gift since in Acts 2:33 and 39, it is said that the PROMISE OF THE FATHER is going to be given for all generations.

Know God and Understand Him More

know god understand more

Both the Ph.D. and the unschooled believe they know God. That’s why most people don’t like to attend a Bible Study. “Don’t teach us religion, for we too believe in God; we have our own religion; we don’t need your sermon!” Yes, that’s how most of us react when the subject is all about the Bible and Christ. But do we know God and understand Him from the Biblical angle?

Great Love for Ourselves Less Love for Our God

great love for ourselves

The real problem in this life is our great love for ourselves. As such, we tend to attribute all our laurels to no one but ourselves. God, in our natural experience, seems to be just another Grandpa in our trying times. We don’t see some big deal with Him. We don’t give God the honor and glory due Him as our Heavenly Father and Creator. Our mind and heart are all focused on ourselves, on our money, job, or our relationships. Even in our deathbed, we tend to call God only as an Emergency Assistant. We all have the great love for ourselves and less love for our God.

Experiencing Christ’s Ownership of Our Soul

experiencing christ's ownership of your entire life

When Christ cried out with a loud voice: “Lazarus come forth!,”  the other dead Lazaruses didn’t rise–only the brother of Mary and Martha. There’s a big difference if you’re KNOWN of the Lord. People claim they know Jesus; but does Christ KNOW them? Are we experiencing Christ’s ownership of our soul?

Poverty Toward God is Great Tragedy

poverty toward god

What is the greatest form of poverty in this life? Poor pocket? Poor health? Poor relationship? NO! When cancer or accident comes to kill, Christ would say: “Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee…[but] you are not rich toward God.” In Luke 12:20-21, Christ taught about poverty toward God.

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