Understanding Physical Death & the Life Beyond

understanding physical death

Death is a cruel master. He has the power to kill a janitor or a senator. Understanding physical death from the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Holy Scriptures is, therefore, second to none as to its significance.

Powers of Darkness Hover Philippine Politics

powers of darkness

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on February 15th, 2020

From the biblical perspective, the Filipino people, just like the Syrians, the Americans, or the Chinese, are experiencing today a sense of a political climate that is primarily influenced by what the Bible calls as the “powers. . .of this darkness.” (Eph. 6:12 NASB) But how do we know that the forces of this darkness are now in perfect control of the Filipino nation? Easy. By the united voice of the people for what is completely anti-God and anti-Bible. When the powers of evil hovered upon the Jews, the cried out together at the top of their voice that Christ had to be crucified, and Barabbas, the robber and murderer, released to them.

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Different Views on Politics, Truth—Real Christianity

different views christianity

In politics, the followers of Christ are instructed not to be rebels of the duly instituted authority but rather to pray for their leaders. Some leaders of pseudo-Christian groups went to the mountains during the period of Dictator Marcos in the Philippines and became rebels and combatants. Such wasn’t fundamental Christianity. Here is Christ’s teaching: “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” (Mark 12:17).

Death Penalty is Anti-God?

death penalty

Death penalty is one issue that has severely divided the brilliant opinions of our day. The moralists and self-righteous ones, including the so-called religious and intellectuals, have joined forces in ringing so loudly the bell of protest that the unlearned and poor-minded become easy captives of their eloquence. “End to the death penalty,”  they cried vehemently, “for humanitarian reasons; for we are pro-life!”  What a slogan is it? Indeed, the deaf in spirit will want to hear it.  A loud and clear sympathy for life, “anti-death penalty” is a cause worthy of everyone’s  support!

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