Unschooled Wisdom from Common Sense

“Thank you, my dear. Now we’re rich, and Lucho will attend school. Wisdom lives in the brain and heart, not in the muscles.”

Loving the Unlovable


Quinn’s concrete idea was to hack the police database so she could have information about Eagle-5 and Oramatist. But the police professional hacker quickly accessed Quinn’s computer to fight back.

7 Things We Need to Do to be Different from the Crowd

things we need different

There’s a principle that you can only achieve differently if you’ll start to do things differently. Thus, evaluate your strategies, for example, in your business the past twelve months and the goals you did touch through them. Or, with regard to your dealings with your superiors if you’re an employee: how far have you established good relationship in your work place? How’s your leadership in your own family?

Happiness in Christ is Better Experienced Than Explained Your Happiness or Unhappiness Remains a Subjective Option

happiness christ better experienced than explained

True happiness is all about yourself, your inner emotion or response, and not any stimulus outside of yourself. You cannot buy happiness, they say, as you don’t purchase what you already own. The character of your heart and mind, therefore, plays a huge role in maintaining a life of peace and happiness.

Truly Happy and Peaceful in this Life?

truly happy life

The problem with most rich people starts when money becomes their god—their source of power and protection. Most of them live life in turmoil and confusion. They are not truly happy and peaceful in life. God said that He will add no sorrows to your wealth only if you believe it as God’s blessing to you. “It is the blessing of the LORD that makes rich, And He adds no sorrow to it,” says Proverbs. Without faith that God owns everything, then we could never be happy in this life.

Understanding Erotic Love—A Key Relationship Builder

erotic love

Understanding erotic love. The love of the opposite sex is very unstable among our youth. Why? Because of the idealism of the young for perfection, fame, money, and good looks. Hence, a long engagement is essential before marriage. The lovers need to first clear up the cobwebs of youthful dreams for a life partner. For proof that it is so, one study shows that a year of relationship before marriage is much better compared to a rush union.

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