Feminist Movement Commanding Support?

feminist movement

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on February 17th, 2020

What is a Feminist Movement and how relevant it is to our understanding of marital and family relationships? Is the assertion of most wives that they are better off without their weak husbands the ideal model to follow?

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Spiritual Birth Or Christ’s Spirit’s Indwelling

Spiritual Rebirth

We desire God only as our last option or until things go unusually wrong. It is our natural tilt to always trust in ourselves even though we know our potent limitations. Our nature is to crawl away from our life Source just like the sprouting bamboos orbiting away from the mother tree. Complete dependence upon our Creator cannot be our path. Christ invited us all to “seek ye first God’s kingdom.”

Merciful God Versus Human Arrogance and Fearlessness

plane ticket

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on February 18th, 2020

Merciful God But Terrifying

Our sense of self-confidence, superiority and pride do not please God. Although He is a merciful God, He also wills that we humble ourselves before Him. Said the atheists that religion is intellectual infancy. If religion is relationship with God, then Christ had a religion, since during His earthly ministry, He wouldn’t do anything without first saying a prayer to His Father God. Yes, Christ had a religion, but no one would dare say that our Lord had intellectual infancy in His Person. The atheists don’t include faith in their intellectual and emotional menu, for the beauty of reason and science are the ones governing and adorning their mindset. I had a casual acquaintance with atheists, and I know that even cancer or heart attack or any form of death-threat cannot change their anti-God views. But it “is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” (Heb. 10:31) For us on the opposite side, we need to be fearful to our merciful God, and here are our reasons:

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Depend on Someone or Something: It’s Human Nature


If there’s one thing we don’t fully understand, it is our nature to depend on someone or something in times of need. A child depends on his or her mother, for example, and the mother on her job or parents. Abraham Lincoln once said, “All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.”

Testimony that Grabs Away Christ’s Glory and Honor

testimony that grabs away christ's glory and honor

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on February 18th, 2020

Giving a Testimony

Many Christians want to share their testimonies and experiences with the risen Lord Jesus Christ, especially during prayer meetings. And we don’t have a problem with that because sharing a testimony is biblical. But what kind of statement do you have: a testimonial about how holy you are, and that is why God worked with you and answered all your prayers; or that when you prayed to Jesus, He showed up, because you are more faithful and more favored by God? That’s what I want to talk about using the experience of Dr. Harry Ironside from his book titled: “Holiness: The False and the True (1912).”

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Pride Scrutinized and Viewed Positively

pride scrutinized viewed positively

There is a kind of pride that’s necessary to maintain one’s sanity and sense of self-respect. An unfortunate but very smart woman married a moneyed but wild man. Her in-laws were cold, always despising her poverty for long years until she lived independently, far away from the deck of her husband’s abundance.

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