Black Nazarene Symbolizing the Common Filipinos’ Catholicism and Devotion

black nazarene

How is one piece of wood, the so-called Black Narazene, making both news and history every January of each year in the Philippines since Catholic “devotees” worshiped it as a miraculous idol for hundreds of years? The Black Nazarene symbolizes the ordinary Filipinos’ Catholicism and devotion to a god made of wood. “Not at all,” protested the learned academicians and intellectuals who were into the Black Nazarene worship, too. It is how deep the Black Nazarene cult has permeated into the matrix of the Filipino faith system for over 200 years.

Spiritual Birth Or Christ’s Spirit’s Indwelling

Spiritual Rebirth

We desire God only as our last option or until things go unusually wrong. It is our natural tilt to always trust in ourselves even though we know our potent limitations. Our nature is to crawl away from our life Source just like the sprouting bamboos orbiting away from the mother tree. Complete dependence upon our Creator cannot be our path. Christ invited us all to “seek ye first God’s kingdom.”

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