Acts 13:48 and the Controversy of Eternal Predestination Unmasking Eternal Predestination: A Critical Examination

Acts 13:48

Acts 13:48 is one of the most quoted verses ultra-Calvinists hire in their attempt to hide and mask Christ’s clear teaching to trust and believe in Him to be forgiven of God

John Piper’s Damnably Heretical Born Again Teaching


One of the supreme and crucial teachings of the entire Christian doctrine is Christ’s condition for those desiring eternal life, which is to be born again. But John Piper invented a damnably heretical born again teaching.

Have Excellent Health in an Old Age We Need to Take Responsibility for Our Health


Bill Gates owns 269,000 acres of farmland, but it is just meaningless without excellent health. As Steve Jobs said, “Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me.” But why are we thoughtless on average about giving ourselves everything to serve up a long life? Our healthy existence up to a ripe old age is all we have. Health is superior to wealth. For this reason, we have pursued a more lethal path when we have put wealth before health.

Biblical Gospel Explained

biblical gospel

The word “gospel” means good news. And biblical gospel refers to the good news according to the Holy Bible. If it is not scriptural, it is a counterfeit gospel. We need to shake that off at all costs. But what is this good news or biblical gospel? The short answer is Jesus Christ.

The Born-Again Christians: Who Are They?


I found on Facebook zillions of sarcasm about the born-again experience. Someone said it was demonic. He cited the extra-biblical Pentecostal experience where the congregants fell to the floor and did crazy things. But it is not the born-again experience we are examining here.

When Reason Surrenders to Faith


All his atheistic principles crumbled to pieces. He realized some life events would just come without reason. That God exists dawned on him.

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