Valentine’s Day Advantages & Disadvantages

valentine's day advantages

Valentine’s Day Advantages. Saint Valentine was a Catholic priest solemnizing marriages in secret, Christianity being still in its infancy and persecuted by the Roman Government. It happened in the 3rd Century under the Roman Emperor Claudius II (or so the legend goes). What is more important for us at the moment is the advantages of including (and celebrating) Valentine’s Day in the lineup of our culture in its romantic context.

Positive-mindedness: A Christian Trait and Strength


>We need to be positive-minded in life. It is God’s will for us. Our natural tendency, however, is to be pessimistic. Only a few people are optimistic naturally. It is one explanation why only 10% become successful.

Powers of Darkness Hover Philippine Politics

powers of darkness

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on February 15th, 2020

From the biblical perspective, the Filipino people, just like the Syrians, the Americans, or the Chinese, are experiencing today a sense of a political climate that is primarily influenced by what the Bible calls as the “powers. . .of this darkness.” (Eph. 6:12 NASB) But how do we know that the forces of this darkness are now in perfect control of the Filipino nation? Easy. By the united voice of the people for what is completely anti-God and anti-Bible. When the powers of evil hovered upon the Jews, the cried out together at the top of their voice that Christ had to be crucified, and Barabbas, the robber and murderer, released to them.

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Future Wife Needs Love and Understanding Ways to Understand a Woman

future wife needs love understanding

Here are some tips on how to attract a mature-minded, middle-income, intelligent, godly, well-adjusted and potential future wife. But, firstly, may I stress that our approach differs with one’s level of maturity, experience, and godliness.

God Giving Hope of the Apostle Paul?

A God giving hope is what we need most in this life. But do we have Him in our heart, the God who is there when everything seems to fall apart? Some believe that hope and despair share the same destination. It is not true with regards to the kind of hope that the Holy Bible is teaching.

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