Valentine’s Day Advantages & Disadvantages

valentine's day advantages

Valentine’s Day Advantages. Saint Valentine was a Catholic priest solemnizing marriages in secret, Christianity being still in its infancy and persecuted by the Roman Government. It happened in the 3rd Century under the Roman Emperor Claudius II (or so the legend goes). What is more important for us at the moment is the advantages of including (and celebrating) Valentine’s Day in the lineup of our culture in its romantic context.

Valentine’s Day Still Relevant Today?

Valentine's Day Still Relevant Today

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on February 17th, 2020

Valentine’s Day

Today is Valentine’s Day, a feast of Saint Valentine to a few Christian denominations—the day we traditionally send flowers or love notes or a valentine’s card or a text message to our special loved one. The question is: Is it relevant today? Is it meaningful? Is it necessary?

Wikipedia says that “The first recorded association of Valentine’s Day with romantic love is in Parlement of Foules (1382) by Geoffrey Chaucer. Chaucer wrote: “For this was on seynt Volantynys day Whan euery bryd comyth there to chese his make. [‘For this was on Saint Valentine’s Day, when every bird cometh there to choose his mate.’]”

I like Chaucer’s description of Valentine’s Day: “to choose his mate.” Or, that Valentine’s Day is the special day for lovers or married people or for someone who’s in love (definitely not the kind of love you have for your sick grandfather, neither that so-called love for the same sex—but rather, for the opposite sex!). It is the day you and your sweetheart would want to have more fun together, more celebration to your relationship.

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