Broken Spirit Leads to God and Faith in Jesus Christ

broken spirit leads to god contrite heart

We are closer to God only when we seem broken inwardly — in the spirit. It is the meaning of Psalm 51:17: “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; A broken and a contrite heart, O God, You will not despise.” Hence, trials are necessary for a balanced life! They are God’s will for us to believe and humble ourselves before Him. They are divine mechanisms to remind us of our dust origin. God is near to those experiencing a broken spirit and having a contrite or repentant heart.

Positive-mindedness: A Christian Trait and Strength


>We need to be positive-minded in life. It is God’s will for us. Our natural tendency, however, is to be pessimistic. Only a few people are optimistic naturally. It is one explanation why only 10% become successful.

Grace Plus Faith in Christ Needed to Live Forever

grace plus faith in christ

God’s love continues to overshadow our hearts and beings even if we deliberately ignore or reject Him. Termed as God’s common grace or undeserved love and kindness that is not salvific in form, He provides rain or the sunshine to both believers and unbelievers; to the righteous as well as to the unrighteous.

Understanding Physical Death & the Life Beyond

understanding physical death

Death is a cruel master. He has the power to kill a janitor or a senator. Understanding physical death from the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Holy Scriptures is, therefore, second to none as to its significance.

Truly Happy and Peaceful in this Life?

truly happy life

The problem with most rich people starts when money becomes their god—their source of power and protection. Most of them live life in turmoil and confusion. They are not truly happy and peaceful in life. God said that He will add no sorrows to your wealth only if you believe it as God’s blessing to you. “It is the blessing of the LORD that makes rich, And He adds no sorrow to it,” says Proverbs. Without faith that God owns everything, then we could never be happy in this life.

Human Responsibility to Believe in Christ

human responsibility believe christ

We have a human responsibility to enter God’s kingdom and live in heaven forever. And that responsibility is our personal task to believe in Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior. It is the essence of John 3:16, the most quoted Scripture: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever BELIEVES in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”

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