Divorce Answers Bad Marriage

divorce answers bad marriage

Divorce is needed when the marital union only brings harm to the life of the spouses and the children as well. Otherwise, divorce should not be taken as an option for mere incompatibility or misunderstanding.

Life’s Cruelty is Seen Based on Human Wisdom, Not God’s

life's cruelty based on human not god's wisdom

Jun P. Espina&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp9 min read Updated on January 18th, 2020Life’s Cruelty is Not God’s Asked a certain man one day after learning that his loved one died in an accident: “Why is life so cruel sometimes?” I’ve been reflecting on this thought—the negative surprises of life. Is life’s cruelty a part of God’s plan? “Life … Read more

Depend on Someone or Something: It’s Human Nature


If there’s one thing we don’t fully understand, it is our nature to depend on someone or something in times of need. A child depends on his or her mother, for example, and the mother on her job or parents. Abraham Lincoln once said, “All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.”

Jesus Christ Provides a Gift of Faith

jesus christ gift

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on February 18th, 2020

Do you have faith in Jesus Christ? Or, why do we believe in our President—why do we believe in online banking, for example? It is because we believe based on facts; or on some hard evidence of truth. But I am wondering why in spiritual matters we always find ourselves less enthusiastic to believe.  We always doubt. The apostle Peter, for example, denied Christ three times, and Thomas wouldn’t believe in Christ’s resurrection unless our Lord would appear to Him physically. Why don’t we have faith in Christ when we have all the evidence at our fingertips to prove His claims?

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Involve God in Our Everyday Life Through Christ

involve god everyday life

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on February 18th, 2020

Involve God

Why not involve God in our everyday life? Yes, billions of people today don’t acknowledge God, (I mean, the God of the apostle Paul and the Holy Scriptures!) in their daily routine until disease or a calamity hits them. We separate our borrowed lives from our Father God and Creator. That’s our genetic badge! Taught the Bible that “even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks.” (Rom. 1:21) We don’t call in God, the Father of Christ, in our lives. But, why?

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Closeness to God Works

closeness god

God’s very first question to man was, “Where are you?” This very moment you may have been joyous or sad; happy or maybe angry. Every passing moment God is interested of your closeness to Him. He is interested in your fellowship with Him as He was with Adam.

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