Have Excellent Health in an Old Age We Need to Take Responsibility for Our Health


Bill Gates owns 269,000 acres of farmland, but it is just meaningless without excellent health. As Steve Jobs said, “Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me.” But why are we thoughtless on average about giving ourselves everything to serve up a long life? Our healthy existence up to a ripe old age is all we have. Health is superior to wealth. For this reason, we have pursued a more lethal path when we have put wealth before health.

When Reason Surrenders to Faith


All his atheistic principles crumbled to pieces. He realized some life events would just come without reason. That God exists dawned on him.

Overcoming Adversities by the Power of God


From the world’s view, this thesis is false because the top in the list of people who get persecution or death are always Christians. In the U.S., for example, the believers of Jesus are viewed as bigots, having a mental disorder, and intolerant. The problem is that most of those attacking Christianity are themselves, bigots, having a mental disorder, and intolerant. There is so much hypocrisy in society but born-again Christianity is simply based on the truth, who is Christ.

How To Finally Start Trusting God, After You’ve Tried Everything Else Secrets To Trusting God Revealed: Here's What You Need To Know

trusting god

The “Lord is good” if you just decide to “taste and see” the experience. Trusting God with all your heart and taking refuge in Him by faith opens the door to heaven’s blessings.

Real Peace of Mind and Heart: Possible Only in Christ

real peace

How to have real peace of mind and heart? The Bible teaches two kinds of peace. One is given by the world; the other, by Christ Jesus. “My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, do I give to you.” The natural man tends to seek after the real peace of this world. His surest formula to have the tranquility of mind and soul is to have a whirl with friends. Or, sometimes he would choose to waste his energy in mountain climbing or travels to attain real peace hopefully.

Spirit-filled Witnesses Impacting Real Christianity More

testimony that grabs away christ glory honor

I heard few preachers in my life as a Christian who introduced the importance of their sermon by announcing their efforts and the many hours of research they spent in the preparation of their message. After listening, however, we were like dogs on famine mood — learning nothing (no real spiritual encouragement and revival) from the so-called “message from God.” We all need the power of the Holy Spirit, taught the Holy Scriptures, before we can be effective witnesses of our Lord Jesus Christ. The temptation of most public speakers, they be pastors or not, is to deliver a discourse that is acceptable and pleasing to the ears of their listeners, both politically correct and worthy of the audience’s hurrahs. Witnessing for Christ Jesus, however, is a field requiring Christ’s assistance through the Holy Spirit. It is the only proven method to make the poor and unschooled Peter to become an Apostle, preacher, and one of the writers of the New Testament. It was clearly taught in Acts 1:8: “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.” One research shows, for example, that hundreds of the descendants of the man of God, Jonathan Edwards, also became preachers and workers of the Lord’s Church. The Spirit-filled witnesses of Christ have impacted real Christianity for thousands of years more than the PowerPoint and Internet-assisted Bible scholars and authors of Christian books of today’s generation.

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