When Empathy Grows Into Love

plane ticket

After his dinner in one of the hotel’s restaurants, he went back to the Reception Desk and asked for advice on how to recover his passport and how to return home without a plane ticket.

Miyah’s Cave House

cave house

Two meters of compressed soil covered the roof of the cave house. The grass, little trees, and vines that grew on it after two decades had already disguised the house as part of the hill. Except for its doors, no one would notice it was a house at the foot of a hill that had stood up against earthquakes and flooding for almost two dozen years already.

The Global Health Crisis of Communicable and NonInfectious Diseases

global health crisis

Jun P. Espina         2 min read

Updated on June 22nd, 2022

Global Health Crisis and COVID-19

Before COVID-19, noncommunicable diseases preoccupied our health concerns. Heart disease, cancer, kidney problems, diabetes, etc. have always topped our list of health issues. But when the pandemic came in 2020, the noncommunicable diseases suffered primarily by the aging population have caught new complexities. It turned into a global health crisis of communicable and noninfectious diseases. Wrote Dr. Jalal Baig: “Almost one year into the pandemic, many of the fears harbored by oncologists like me have been fully realized in clinical practice. Apart from felling scores of cancer patients, the virus has upended cancer diagnosis, treatment and research. Covid-19 attacks the lungs, of course, but it also disrupts other organs and really, entire health systems. By now, Covid has been linked to heart disease, diabetes, stroke, low blood cell counts and psychiatric conditions.”1

COVID-19 Killed Our Grandparents

COVID-19 targets the older generation by adding new layers of complication to their noninfectious diseases caused by aging. Exposure to a COVID-positive person is fatal for the grandparents, but not for the grandchildren given their strong immunity. The closure of schools and the lockdowns are questioned by medical experts somehow as nonscientific. Conservative groups in the U.S. criticized their government’s mask-wearing and other COVID-19-related policies as a game plan to control the citizens. It is not for public health and welfare from a scientific viewpoint. Lockdowns are viewed as counter-productive and devastated further the global economy.

“One of the lingering questions of the pandemic,” wrote Erin Garcia de Jesús, “is why COVID-19 symptoms tend to be milder in children and young adults than in older people. A new study suggests that the immune systems of people younger than 24 deal the coronavirus a strong first punch. Those early immune defenses, which set off alarm bells for the body to go on the attack no matter what the invader, may be weaker in older adults.”2

Alarming Global Health Crisis

The phrase Global Health Crisis coined by health authorities bears a very alarming reality since we are threatened by a global health crisis that is foreign in the history of human experience for the past thousands of years. Hundreds of millions of people don’t reach a good old age because of such degenerative diseases as heart problems, hypertension, kidney disorder, cancer, diabetes; you name it. COVID-19 has made the situation even worse. Its spread is now affecting the whole wide world, the poorer and richer nations alike. Hence, a global health crisis. The main culprit is the Wuhan virus plus our more sedentary lifestyle and the wrong food that we eat. Observe the picture which I posted here below, for we invert–by habit, culture, and our modern-man lifestyle–the so-called food pyramid of the ideal amount of food we need to consume daily.

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How To Finally Start Trusting God, After You’ve Tried Everything Else Secrets To Trusting God Revealed: Here's What You Need To Know

trusting god

The “Lord is good” if you just decide to “taste and see” the experience. Trusting God with all your heart and taking refuge in Him by faith opens the door to heaven’s blessings.

Seed of the Woman Who Gave us Truth, Hope & a Future

seed woman prophecy jesus christ

God’s love is the message of true Christianity, and it is beautifully woven into the story of the Seed of the woman. The Holy Bible tells us the big story about this Seed. It begins with our Father God creating all things in heaven and on earth out of nothing. He embellished the boundless expanse of the universe with stars and galaxies. Through His powers, the void and formless earth then saw the shining sun as the clouds dressed the skies. He created life which then brought many things to the earth such as the music of nature during the night and the amazing millions of colors that painted the breaking of every day. I am always seized by the magnificence of the mountain ranges, the rivers, and the joy of the flowers, for in nature I see divine beauty and design—the very portrayal of God’s loving character!

Weakening Moral Values, Liberalism, & Gender Perversion

weakening moral values

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on April 1st, 2021

Weakening Moral Values

The weakening of moral values signals society’s compulsory return to the basic Orthodox Christian teachings or there could be no “healing of our land.” President Donald Trump viewed the problems of the Americans as solvable only through draining the swamp (as Social Media describe it) that was reasonably devised by the Liberals and the open border politicians. Trump, whose parents were Presbyterians, talked a lot about his concern for the Jewish people and one reason could perhaps be traced by his “Jewish grasp” (Bible knowledge aside) since Ivanka, his daughter, was married to a Jew (real estate developer Jared Kushner). Anyhow, Trump is a more Bible-quoting president than Obama who was one compelling leader of the Americans’ weakening moral values.

“Anyhow, Trump is a more Bible-quoting president than Obama who was one compelling leader of the Americans’ weakening moral values.”

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