Understanding Erotic Love—A Key Relationship Builder

erotic love

Understanding erotic love. The love of the opposite sex is very unstable among our youth. Why? Because of the idealism of the young for perfection, fame, money, and good looks. Hence, a long engagement is essential before marriage. The lovers need to first clear up the cobwebs of youthful dreams for a life partner. For proof that it is so, one study shows that a year of relationship before marriage is much better compared to a rush union.

Financial Education Improves Economy

financial education

Ten lottery winners were studied and found out that they were unprepared for success and wealth. Hence, we badly need a little financial education. For all of these winners returned to poverty naturally, since the large sum of money they won corrupted them. “Daydreams of a millionaire lifestyle,” wrote someone, “seem to have a habit of turning sour faster than a sub-prime mortgage–-isolation, paranoia, drugs, crime,

Saved by Faith in Christ Jesus Trust in the Biblical Christ and You Will Live Forever

saved by faith in christ jesus

I knew they didn’t believe that we were saved by faith in Christ Jesus alone. The book states that the Bible’s truths about sin could tongue-tie the religious cult’s best debaters. And it worked for me.

Spiritual Birth Or Christ’s Spirit’s Indwelling

Spiritual Rebirth

We desire God only as our last option or until things go unusually wrong. It is our natural tilt to always trust in ourselves even though we know our potent limitations. Our nature is to crawl away from our life Source just like the sprouting bamboos orbiting away from the mother tree. Complete dependence upon our Creator cannot be our path. Christ invited us all to “seek ye first God’s kingdom.”

Faith Promise Giving: Money Making?

faith promise

Jun P. Espina&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp4 min read Updated on September 17th, 2022I believe Faith Promise giving, as commonly preached in Christian churches in January of each year, is creating a sense of guilt in many believers. Consider the silent pressure to sign up for a Faith Promise Card (FPC), which commits you to give a certain amount … Read more

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