Pride Scrutinized and Viewed Positively

pride scrutinized viewed positively

There is a kind of pride that’s necessary to maintain one’s sanity and sense of self-respect. An unfortunate but very smart woman married a moneyed but wild man. Her in-laws were cold, always despising her poverty for long years until she lived independently, far away from the deck of her husband’s abundance.

The Devil’s Tranquilizing Man’s Pierced Conscience

devil tranquilizing man's pierced conscience

The devil’s tranquilizing man’s guilt is just a necessary part of Satan’s primary agenda to deceive us all. Taught our Lord Jesus Christ that heaven declares adultery even on a minor lustful look. Observed Matthew 5:27-28: “But I say to you, that everyone who looks on a woman to lust for her has committed adultery with her already in his heart.” The devil disagrees. “It is just a ‘venial sin,’” was his usual soothing pill.

Death Penalty is Anti-God?

death penalty

Death penalty is one issue that has severely divided the brilliant opinions of our day. The moralists and self-righteous ones, including the so-called religious and intellectuals, have joined forces in ringing so loudly the bell of protest that the unlearned and poor-minded become easy captives of their eloquence. “End to the death penalty,”  they cried vehemently, “for humanitarian reasons; for we are pro-life!”  What a slogan is it? Indeed, the deaf in spirit will want to hear it.  A loud and clear sympathy for life, “anti-death penalty” is a cause worthy of everyone’s  support!

Decision of Moses to Believe in God

decision moses believe god

What a decision was it? No man could have done it: from a Prince for 40 years to a mere shepherd in his next 40 years! But the Bible said plainly that only the power of faith could have done what Moses did! “By faith Moses,” said Hebrews 11:24, and in verse 27, “By faith he left Egypt.” It was all by faith.

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