When Reason Surrenders to Faith


All his atheistic principles crumbled to pieces. He realized some life events would just come without reason. That God exists dawned on him.

A Happy Life from the Inside

a happy life

A happy life is simple to explain because happiness is pure “self-business” or the affair of the inner self. If you cannot be happy without the company of a friend or even a dog, I think you have a problem with yourself.

How To Finally Start Trusting God, After You’ve Tried Everything Else Secrets To Trusting God Revealed: Here's What You Need To Know

trusting god

The “Lord is good” if you just decide to “taste and see” the experience. Trusting God with all your heart and taking refuge in Him by faith opens the door to heaven’s blessings.

Real Peace of Mind and Heart: Possible Only in Christ

real peace

How to have real peace of mind and heart? The Bible teaches two kinds of peace. One is given by the world; the other, by Christ Jesus. “My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, do I give to you.” The natural man tends to seek after the real peace of this world. His surest formula to have the tranquility of mind and soul is to have a whirl with friends. Or, sometimes he would choose to waste his energy in mountain climbing or travels to attain real peace hopefully.

Earthly People After the Millennium – Ruled by the Believers

earthly people

We, Adam’s children, are the summit of God’s creation. We were created to trust in Jesus Christ for our salvation from hell for our Maker’s big plan for us in the universe beyond the span of time. Those rejecters and deniers of our Lord Jesus couldn’t be a part of this sacred grand design. His program, according to the Scriptures, is to let Christ’s born-again followers and all those saved people since the days of old ( all those partakers of the First Resurrection!) run the affairs of God’s earthly people after the Millennium. We will be kings and priests (the kingdom administrators) of Jesus Christ eternal reign — the Lord of lords and the King of kings. (cf. Rev. 17:14; 1 Tim. 6:15)

Spiritual Stability of Those Applying Christ’s Word

spiritual stability prayerful

What is spiritual stability? This query seems unimportant or irrelevant for the unsaved floods of people. They don’t have time for the God of the Bible—not until hunger, disease, or the mystery of death breaks through their lives! Their obsession with the cares of this life deceives them to love themselves more than God.

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