How To Finally Start Trusting God, After You’ve Tried Everything Else Secrets To Trusting God Revealed: Here's What You Need To Know

trusting god

The “Lord is good” if you just decide to “taste and see” the experience. Trusting God with all your heart and taking refuge in Him by faith opens the door to heaven’s blessings.

Real Peace of Mind and Heart: Possible Only in Christ

real peace

How to have real peace of mind and heart? The Bible teaches two kinds of peace. One is given by the world; the other, by Christ Jesus. “My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, do I give to you.” The natural man tends to seek after the real peace of this world. His surest formula to have the tranquility of mind and soul is to have a whirl with friends. Or, sometimes he would choose to waste his energy in mountain climbing or travels to attain real peace hopefully.

Seed of the Woman Who Gave us Truth, Hope & a Future

seed woman prophecy jesus christ

God’s love is the message of true Christianity, and it is beautifully woven into the story of the Seed of the woman. The Holy Bible tells us the big story about this Seed. It begins with our Father God creating all things in heaven and on earth out of nothing. He embellished the boundless expanse of the universe with stars and galaxies. Through His powers, the void and formless earth then saw the shining sun as the clouds dressed the skies. He created life which then brought many things to the earth such as the music of nature during the night and the amazing millions of colors that painted the breaking of every day. I am always seized by the magnificence of the mountain ranges, the rivers, and the joy of the flowers, for in nature I see divine beauty and design—the very portrayal of God’s loving character!

Life Journey: The One-Way Ticket to the Unknown World

life journey young woman

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on February 11th, 2020

Of Life Journey

Man’s life in this world is like a journey. His first step thus is as important as his destination. The problem is that he doesn’t know if he ever has a starting point at all other than his birth. Hence, he is but a pure stranger in this domain, for both his birth and death, are beyond his control! But he must move on nevertheless, for as long as he’s alive. There’s no turning back—there’s no hitting ball back at square one. Life journey is just a one-way ticket to the unknown. We may keep it glowing or waste it like spilled milk on the floor of destiny.

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Paradoxical Christian Teaching: Comfort in Affliction

paradoxical christian teaching comfort in affliction

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on February 14th, 2020

Paradoxical Christian Teaching

The Bible teaches that there is peace for Christ’s followers amidst the storms of life. It is an antithetical Christian teaching at the surface. The wisdom of this world suggests the idea of a predictable peace right after the tempest. Hence, the cliche: “peace after the storm” or “darkest hour before the dawn.” But what divine teaching is it that there is peace and comfort while one is in the limbo of trials and sufferings?

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Christ’s Promised Eternal Life Versus Salvation by Works Why You Really Need Eternal Life in Christ

Christs promised eternal life

Faith in Jesus is the key to living forever, “for by GRACE you have been saved through FAITH.” Christ’s promised eternal life makes sense since we are sinners and cannot impress God with our gifts and charities to the poor. Hence, our salvation, our eternal life, is “the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.”

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