Point of Life When All Become Meaningless Then?

point of life

What’s the point of life when death is not far off? These questions have answers in all facets of human civilization. The Holy Scriptures touched them richly. You may dance all night and drench yourself with a wild orgy of music, caring nothing for the life in you that is God-given but be sure you will find nothing but meaninglessness in your slough of revelry and baseness.

The Christian Teaching about Walking with God

walking with God

Self-satisfaction or the dopamine effect is a given in an event like this. But from the Christian doctrine, your fellowship with our Lord’s Spirit determines your walk with God or walk with the darkness. Your charities for the poor should always be the natural outcome of your true faith in Jesus Christ.

The Biblical Blueprint to Keep the Family: Saving the Family from Radical Leftism


One outrageous attack by the woke movement was the silencing of former President Trump from the social media platforms. You can easily see their power. Think about the leftist CNN and the MSM of the world. Think about the students and their professors, the Democrats, the powerful politicians, and the corporations joining hands to impose their woke ideology. It is the picture of how the woke religion can break into pieces conservatism, the family, faith in God, and Christian morality.



True Christianity is about struggle or warfare “against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness.” (Eph. 6:12) This paper, “Overcoming Adversities by the Power of God,” deals with trials and sufferings God crushes to preserve the born-again follower of Christ. How to fight demonic forces without understanding the devil’s schemes from God’s viewpoint? The apostle Paul said we must “extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.” (Eph. 6:16) Peter also said: “Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” (1 Pet. 1:5) It is Christianity 101. It is overcoming adversities by the power of God since the devil seeks to tempt and victimize Christ’s people.

Overcoming Adversities by the Power of God


From the world’s view, this thesis is false because the top in the list of people who get persecution or death are always Christians. In the U.S., for example, the believers of Jesus are viewed as bigots, having a mental disorder, and intolerant. The problem is that most of those attacking Christianity are themselves, bigots, having a mental disorder, and intolerant. There is so much hypocrisy in society but born-again Christianity is simply based on the truth, who is Christ.

Faith Builds the Person, Saves a Miserable Life

faith builds

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on February 13th, 2020

Faith Builds the Person

Without faith, human existence would be miserable if not impossible, for in it hangs all institutions of government and society. Without it, no civilization can ever stand. Our banking system, for example, is one organization where people deposit money based on faith alone that when needed it can be withdrawn. Faith, therefore, is our most precious possession as it provides us the reasoned sense of assurance as we confront our doubts and fears. How did you know, for instance, that the guy who took your beloved wife and son to the airport was a professional cabdriver? With faith that all is well with you today, you would have a peaceful harmony with your inner being; and with your incoherent suspicions of life prevented from spreading and conquering your mind and soul. For “faith is the assurance of things hoped for,” according to the Holy Bible, “the evidence of things not seen.” (Heb 11:1) It is the eyes of our soul and the root of a happy and peaceful existence itself. Faith builds the person, whereas doubt and skepticism would only lead one to stagnation, hopelessness, and defeat.

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