Real Love of God Can be Experienced

real love god experienced

Where are you?” (Gen. 3:9) It is one verse of Scripture where God demonstrated the existence and authenticity of His real love to Adam and Eve in particular, and to all of the human race in general. God’s love is just so true as the stars in the skies or the fish in the ocean.

Is Kindness Becoming a Forged Virtue—Used to Deceive?

kindness misunderstood as a fake virtue

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on November 9th, 2022

Kindness Misunderstood

Is it true that your kindness to others will always be rewarded? I don’t think so. We define kindness as the tendency to be forgiving or the “quality of being warmhearted and considerate and humane and sympathetic.”

A compassion that’s expecting a reward or a reciprocal attitude from whom we tender kindness is deceptive and manipulative. Kindness is being nice to others with no ulterior motives. “It’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice,” someone once said.

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Dependence Upon God is the Key Factor


Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on March 22nd, 2020

One strange thing about man’s life is its nature of complete dependence upon another. Self-sufficiency is never life’s architecture. From his mother’s womb down to his lonely grave, something buoyed up man somehow outside of himself. His Maker breathed life upon him.

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Pride Scrutinized and Viewed Positively

pride scrutinized viewed positively

There is a kind of pride that’s necessary to maintain one’s sanity and sense of self-respect. An unfortunate but very smart woman married a moneyed but wild man. Her in-laws were cold, always despising her poverty for long years until she lived independently, far away from the deck of her husband’s abundance.

Salvation Through Faith in Christ

salvation faith christ

In her lifetime, Gadaria had all the opportunities to know Christ and His offer of free eternal life through faith in His atoning blood. But Gadaria did not seek the face of Christ in a way Mary Magdalene searched and waited for the risen Jesus at His tomb. Gadaria didn’t have the love of the truth; her deception by the devil had strengthened her grip on a false doctrine until her death—a doctrine that the money given to the Church through the priest can buy salvation and eternal life!

Second Birth Needed for Salvation

second birth

The term born again is prone to wild misuse. Its meaning is almost always clothed with mockery. Our Lord Jesus, seeing its future distortion by His enemies, spent eighteen long verses with Nicodemus in John chapter three in order that His teaching concerning man’s salvation through the second birth be made crystal clear.

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