Financial Education Improves Economy

financial education

Ten lottery winners were studied and found out that they were unprepared for success and wealth. Hence, we badly need a little financial education. For all of these winners returned to poverty naturally, since the large sum of money they won corrupted them. “Daydreams of a millionaire lifestyle,” wrote someone, “seem to have a habit of turning sour faster than a sub-prime mortgage–-isolation, paranoia, drugs, crime,

Divorce Answers Bad Marriage

divorce answers bad marriage

Divorce is needed when the marital union only brings harm to the life of the spouses and the children as well. Otherwise, divorce should not be taken as an option for mere incompatibility or misunderstanding.

Life’s Cruelty is Seen Based on Human Wisdom, Not God’s

life's cruelty based on human not god's wisdom

Jun P. Espina&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp9 min read Updated on January 18th, 2020Life’s Cruelty is Not God’s Asked a certain man one day after learning that his loved one died in an accident: “Why is life so cruel sometimes?” I’ve been reflecting on this thought—the negative surprises of life. Is life’s cruelty a part of God’s plan? “Life … Read more

New Year’s Resolution Tips

new year's resolution

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on February 18th, 2020

A new year’s resolution is like a firm decision to do something better for the whole year but only to be given up after a month or so. One common resolution every first day of the year is to stop a vice such as smoking, drinking alcohol; or to end a wild nightlife; to lose weight and educate the appetite or to attend church regularly. It’s always a welcome thing to the ego to think of doing something very positive for the life, but our dark and wild side is simply very commanding sometimes!

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Succeed in Life the Simple and Righteous Way Today Because Success is Copied Rather Than Reinvented

succeed in life

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on October 10th, 2022

Succeed in Life by Understanding Its Principles

Do you want to succeed in life—I mean, really succeed in life? If so, always keep in your mind that you will have a long journey to the city of Success. You will travel across thousands of miles before you can get there. As it is located so far away from your abode, you will spend the rest of your life journeying, always keeping up with the many routines. Only a very few people would give their all on this journey. Once their comfort zones are drawn, some joiners of this life challenge won’t go on any further. Columbus didn’t just sail; rather, he sailed west. To succeed in life is to stick to the goal at all costs; the very key to an achievement that the quitters and failures in our midst don’t possess.

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The Life of Horatio, an Unmarried Man

life challenges versus unmarried man

Life demands that everyone should follow its list of priorities, topped by food and marital stability. I heard someone say this typical family shibboleth: “College, job, family.” But Mary Kay’s philosophy of life was even superior: “God first, family second, career third.”

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