Christ’s Prayer Philosophy to Ask for Bread Daily

christ's prayer philosophy ask bread daily

God is involved in our daily life. He is providing us with everything, from rain to seeds and soil for us to have breakfast the next day. We cannot create a farmland; much less the perfection of nature that we all depended on for survival. The works of our heart and all the organs in our body support that we believe God. Unbelief does not make sense. Rejection of God and His claims are just the side effect of the faith of Adam and Eve in demonic lies. Most of us mock Christ’s claims because of Satan’s doctrine that was embraced by our first parents that we would be like God, knowing good and evil. (cf. Gen. 3:5) The truth is, we don’t know anything about good and evil from God’s point of view. After Adam’s fall, Cain killed his brother Abel. Yes, what people thought as real knowledge of good and evil was just Satan’s taste and standard of what is good and what is evil. Christ taught that the devil is the father of lies and a murderer from the very beginning. We need to trust God through His Son, Jesus Christ, or we would not understand God’s version of right from wrong.

Big Question Requiring an Answer in this World and Beyond

big question

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on September 3rd, 2022

The Big Question

I want to tell you one thing: we can do nothing against the truth, but only for the truth. What is the truth? The Bible teaches us that Jesus is the Truth (cf. John 14:6). If you love the Lord in your heart, it is because you love the truth—you love light rather than darkness. It is the big question that demands an answer today while we are still alive and able to decide: Do we trust wholeheartedly that Jesus Christ is the Truth and that all His claims in the Holy Bible are true?

The apostle Paul once said: “For we can do nothing against the truth, but only for the truth.” Biblically, our Lord is the Answer to all inquiries about life since He is the Truth—He is the only One perfectly knowledgeable about the mysteries and the big questions of life. “I am the vine,” He said, “you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, FOR APART FROM ME YOU CAN DO NOTHING.” Where will we turn for answers if we reject Christ, the Son of God, who is the Truth?

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Faith Builds the Person, Saves a Miserable Life

faith builds

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on February 13th, 2020

Faith Builds the Person

Without faith, human existence would be miserable if not impossible, for in it hangs all institutions of government and society. Without it, no civilization can ever stand. Our banking system, for example, is one organization where people deposit money based on faith alone that when needed it can be withdrawn. Faith, therefore, is our most precious possession as it provides us the reasoned sense of assurance as we confront our doubts and fears. How did you know, for instance, that the guy who took your beloved wife and son to the airport was a professional cabdriver? With faith that all is well with you today, you would have a peaceful harmony with your inner being; and with your incoherent suspicions of life prevented from spreading and conquering your mind and soul. For “faith is the assurance of things hoped for,” according to the Holy Bible, “the evidence of things not seen.” (Heb 11:1) It is the eyes of our soul and the root of a happy and peaceful existence itself. Faith builds the person, whereas doubt and skepticism would only lead one to stagnation, hopelessness, and defeat.

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Life Journey: The One-Way Ticket to the Unknown World

life journey young woman

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on February 11th, 2020

Of Life Journey

Man’s life in this world is like a journey. His first step thus is as important as his destination. The problem is that he doesn’t know if he ever has a starting point at all other than his birth. Hence, he is but a pure stranger in this domain, for both his birth and death, are beyond his control! But he must move on nevertheless, for as long as he’s alive. There’s no turning back—there’s no hitting ball back at square one. Life journey is just a one-way ticket to the unknown. We may keep it glowing or waste it like spilled milk on the floor of destiny.

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Paradoxical Christian Teaching: Comfort in Affliction

paradoxical christian teaching comfort in affliction

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on February 14th, 2020

Paradoxical Christian Teaching

The Bible teaches that there is peace for Christ’s followers amidst the storms of life. It is an antithetical Christian teaching at the surface. The wisdom of this world suggests the idea of a predictable peace right after the tempest. Hence, the cliche: “peace after the storm” or “darkest hour before the dawn.” But what divine teaching is it that there is peace and comfort while one is in the limbo of trials and sufferings?

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7 Things We Need to Do to be Different from the Crowd

things we need different

There’s a principle that you can only achieve differently if you’ll start to do things differently. Thus, evaluate your strategies, for example, in your business the past twelve months and the goals you did touch through them. Or, with regard to your dealings with your superiors if you’re an employee: how far have you established good relationship in your work place? How’s your leadership in your own family?

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