Christ’s Promised Eternal Life Versus Salvation by Works Why You Really Need Eternal Life in Christ

Christs promised eternal life

Faith in Jesus is the key to living forever, “for by GRACE you have been saved through FAITH.” Christ’s promised eternal life makes sense since we are sinners and cannot impress God with our gifts and charities to the poor. Hence, our salvation, our eternal life, is “the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.”

Spiritual Stability of Those Applying Christ’s Word

spiritual stability prayerful

What is spiritual stability? This query seems unimportant or irrelevant for the unsaved floods of people. They don’t have time for the God of the Bible—not until hunger, disease, or the mystery of death breaks through their lives! Their obsession with the cares of this life deceives them to love themselves more than God.

Annoyingly Persistent Prayer is What God Requires


Of an annoyingly persistent prayer: Who can do it? David’s prayer to God for the recovery of his sick son with Bathsheba is one biblical example of a persistent prayer. The Bible stated that the child “was very sick. David, therefore, inquired of God for the child; and David fasted and went and lay all night on the ground. The elders of his household stood beside him in order to raise him up from the ground, but he was unwilling and would not eat food with them.” (2 Sam. 12:1b-17) Only the real believers can do such agonizingly persistent prayer!

Tongues Speaking of Extreme Pentecostalism Examined Biblically

tongue speaking praise and worship

Tongues speaking is one primary teaching we want to cover here.This paper intends to bring out more biblical facts and analyses about the biblical speaking in tongues versus the heretical tongues as part of the extreme Pentecostal theology. We don’t theorize, as did Spurgeon, that speaking in tongues is already a lost gift since in Acts 2:33 and 39, it is said that the PROMISE OF THE FATHER is going to be given for all generations.

One Important Life Principle

important life principle

One important life principle is to make sure we have the feeling of fulfillment and joy as we age. I heard about countless young people who did not have a sense of purpose as if life on earth will be young forever, and the grave is but a great storied fiction. Time is the utmost treasure of life. Hence, one important life principle is to focus our attention on the currency of time.

God’s Promised Holy Spirit Unclaimed: Powerless Witnesses of Christ

god's promised holy spirit

Jun P. Espina&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp8 min read Updated on May 28th, 2022God’s Promised Holy Spirit What is the primary cause of our powerlessness in the pulpit? Most preachers and church workers are so powerless that it is difficult to fill the church auditorium with people without using extra-biblical teachings and strategies. It is one of the subjects … Read more

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