John Piper’s Damnably Heretical Born Again Teaching


One of the supreme and crucial teachings of the entire Christian doctrine is Christ’s condition for those desiring eternal life, which is to be born again. But John Piper invented a damnably heretical born again teaching.

The Born-Again Christians: Who Are They?


I found on Facebook zillions of sarcasm about the born-again experience. Someone said it was demonic. He cited the extra-biblical Pentecostal experience where the congregants fell to the floor and did crazy things. But it is not the born-again experience we are examining here.

Born Again Christ’s Version: Understanding the Biblical Born-Again Experience


The emphasis in this book is the born-again experience lived by true Christians. It is this experience of truth that Christ’s followers chose death over recantation. It explains the willingness of William Tyndale, the father of the English Bible, to be burned at the stake. The unbelievers and atheists see the second birth as a subject for amusement and mockery. But there’s no truth in their misjudgment of Christians for the reality they don’t have any understanding at all.

Life Journey: The One-Way Ticket to the Unknown World

life journey young woman

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on February 11th, 2020

Of Life Journey

Man’s life in this world is like a journey. His first step thus is as important as his destination. The problem is that he doesn’t know if he ever has a starting point at all other than his birth. Hence, he is but a pure stranger in this domain, for both his birth and death, are beyond his control! But he must move on nevertheless, for as long as he’s alive. There’s no turning back—there’s no hitting ball back at square one. Life journey is just a one-way ticket to the unknown. We may keep it glowing or waste it like spilled milk on the floor of destiny.

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Paradoxical Christian Teaching: Comfort in Affliction

paradoxical christian teaching comfort in affliction

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on February 14th, 2020

Paradoxical Christian Teaching

The Bible teaches that there is peace for Christ’s followers amidst the storms of life. It is an antithetical Christian teaching at the surface. The wisdom of this world suggests the idea of a predictable peace right after the tempest. Hence, the cliche: “peace after the storm” or “darkest hour before the dawn.” But what divine teaching is it that there is peace and comfort while one is in the limbo of trials and sufferings?

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God’s Promised Holy Spirit Unclaimed: Powerless Witnesses of Christ

god's promised holy spirit

Jun P. Espina&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp8 min read Updated on May 28th, 2022God’s Promised Holy Spirit What is the primary cause of our powerlessness in the pulpit? Most preachers and church workers are so powerless that it is difficult to fill the church auditorium with people without using extra-biblical teachings and strategies. It is one of the subjects … Read more

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