Husband’s Love Kept Forever Because of Her

husband's love

How to keep your husband’s love? Or, where shall we get the wisest counsel on how to make your man continue to love you? Of course, the light always comes from the Holy Bible. Martin Luther (where the Lutheran church got its name), for example, has this piece of advice: “Let the wife make the husband glad to come home, and let him make her sorry to see him leave.” To keep your husband’s love is not difficult at all if you are the typical Bible-described wife. God said that the woman must obey her husband.

Christian Holy Week Observance Examined Biblically

christian holy week observance

One significant question is that if we are real born-again Christians, do we need to celebrate or observe the Holy Week? In just a mouse click away, we could google dozens of the list of religious holidays (or holydays?) The Jewish religion, Islam, Catholicism, Seventh Day Adventism, among other religious groups observe “holidays requiring absence from work beyond existing Statutory Holidays.” What is the meaning of the Christian Holy Week observance among the Catholics and other Christians denominations?

God’s Word Proves Faith in Christ Versus Bible Ignorance

God's Word proves faith christ

Liberal theologians are now advancing the false teaching of believing in Christ without necessarily taking the entire Holy Scriptures as God’s Word. You may have heard someone saying “I do believe in your Christ, but I don’t believe in your Bible.” Without a shadow of a doubt, if examined through the revelations of the Scriptures, such a doctrine is misleading and distorted. God’s Word proves that real faith in Christ only happens after a hugging conviction of the Bible’s truthfulness and dependability. Wrote the apostle Paul that “faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.” (Rom. 10:17)

God Owns Everything Except Our Decision to Live in Heaven

god owns everything except decision live heaven

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on March 24th, 2021

Where is the Arrogance About Life When God Owns Everything?

At the prime of his life, age 36, a friend of mine died of heart attack. Very healthy and robust, but his heart failed him one day during a party. Yes, the first symptom of a heart attack is death, the number one killer disease. Everyone attending the party was shocked, couldn’t accept seeing a healthy young man killed by a cardiac failure. From such episode of life, we saw how God owns everything. At His command, we may live or die. For in “his hand,” stated Job 12:10, “is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind.”

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Promised Immortality to Christ’s Truly Regenerated Followers

promised immortality for christians

Promised immortality to Christ’s truly regenerated followers. 1000 years life on earth is a pale comparison with the Christian promised immortality …. A brief life that is devotedly faithful to Jesus Christ as Lord and personal Savior is better off than a hundred years of a Christless existence. Leonardo da Vinci once said that “a life well-spent is a long life.” This thought, profound as it may appear, is still inadequate if used to describe the Christian hope of eternal life in heaven with God. Set side by side with the promised immortality through faith in Christ, a thousand years of life on Earth is just a pale in comparison.

Facing Trials in the Power of Abraham’s Faith

We are facing trials every once in a while as part of our unsinkable imperfections in this life. Earth is not the dreamland; suicide, therefore, is abnormal and committed by those experiencing mental illness known as depression. God’s parting words for Adam were not a happy anticipation of a life away from paradise. Now, we swallow the pill as children of Adam, the sinner. There are ordeals, tons of them in this domain. Facing trials head-on, like struggling with cancer or kidney disorder, is the only rational option available to each one of us. But we can only resist the fear associated with any form of adversity by faith in the promises of God.

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