Unschooled Wisdom from Common Sense

“Thank you, my dear. Now we’re rich, and Lucho will attend school. Wisdom lives in the brain and heart, not in the muscles.”

When Empathy Grows Into Love

plane ticket

After his dinner in one of the hotel’s restaurants, he went back to the Reception Desk and asked for advice on how to recover his passport and how to return home without a plane ticket.

The Biblical Blueprint to Keep the Family: Saving the Family from Radical Leftism


One outrageous attack by the woke movement was the silencing of former President Trump from the social media platforms. You can easily see their power. Think about the leftist CNN and the MSM of the world. Think about the students and their professors, the Democrats, the powerful politicians, and the corporations joining hands to impose their woke ideology. It is the picture of how the woke religion can break into pieces conservatism, the family, faith in God, and Christian morality.

Husband’s Love Kept Forever Because of Her

husband's love

How to keep your husband’s love? Or, where shall we get the wisest counsel on how to make your man continue to love you? Of course, the light always comes from the Holy Bible. Martin Luther (where the Lutheran church got its name), for example, has this piece of advice: “Let the wife make the husband glad to come home, and let him make her sorry to see him leave.” To keep your husband’s love is not difficult at all if you are the typical Bible-described wife. God said that the woman must obey her husband.

Happy Family Demands Common Faith in God, Not Just Love What Everyone Ought To Know About Happy Family

happy family

Do you want to build a happy family and keep your loved ones forever? If so, avoid having an illicit relationship. Be honest with your life partner. Let your spouse discover once in a while the clutter of your mobile phone. Be transparent. Work hard while you still have the strength. Trust in Christ Jesus!

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