Tongues Speaking of Extreme Pentecostalism Examined Biblically

tongue speaking praise and worship

Tongues speaking is one primary teaching we want to cover here.This paper intends to bring out more biblical facts and analyses about the biblical speaking in tongues versus the heretical tongues as part of the extreme Pentecostal theology. We don’t theorize, as did Spurgeon, that speaking in tongues is already a lost gift since in Acts 2:33 and 39, it is said that the PROMISE OF THE FATHER is going to be given for all generations.

Human Responsibility to Believe in Christ

human responsibility believe christ

We have a human responsibility to enter God’s kingdom and live in heaven forever. And that responsibility is our personal task to believe in Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior. It is the essence of John 3:16, the most quoted Scripture: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever BELIEVES in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”

Poverty Toward God is Great Tragedy

poverty toward god

What is the greatest form of poverty in this life? Poor pocket? Poor health? Poor relationship? NO! When cancer or accident comes to kill, Christ would say: “Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee…[but] you are not rich toward God.” In Luke 12:20-21, Christ taught about poverty toward God.

Real Love of God Can be Experienced

real love god experienced

Where are you?” (Gen. 3:9) It is one verse of Scripture where God demonstrated the existence and authenticity of His real love to Adam and Eve in particular, and to all of the human race in general. God’s love is just so true as the stars in the skies or the fish in the ocean.

The Devil’s Tranquilizing Man’s Pierced Conscience

devil tranquilizing man's pierced conscience

The devil’s tranquilizing man’s guilt is just a necessary part of Satan’s primary agenda to deceive us all. Taught our Lord Jesus Christ that heaven declares adultery even on a minor lustful look. Observed Matthew 5:27-28: “But I say to you, that everyone who looks on a woman to lust for her has committed adultery with her already in his heart.” The devil disagrees. “It is just a ‘venial sin,’” was his usual soothing pill.

Demons are Influencing Our Culture

demonism influencing culture

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on February 26th, 2020

Have you noticed that as we advance in technology, we deteriorate in moral values so equally fast? While Eve covered herself, many in today’s generation wanted to show off their body? Nude societies are making headlines in Australia and other countries. And people love them for being such blatantly depraved! God said that the man, Legion, was undressed, and had 2,000 demons! (cf. Mark 5:15) Mary Magdalene had seven demons. (Mark 16:9) Indeed, the demons are influencing our culture, and worse, our majority support and enjoy them! The apostle Paul wrote over 2000 years ago that “although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them.” Corrupt politicians are voted in and the principled ones voted out. The people’s choice to release Barabbas, the robber, and crucify Jesus stays in the human heart until now to dignify what is crooked and wrong. How about calling a harlot as a “pornstar?” What talent does she possess to merit the adjective of a “star” or famous? Why not shameful, wicked, falling star—or other terms more convicting! The demons, the powers of darkness, must have twisted our moral sense and shaped out what is ugly and immoral into our culture.

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