Born Again Christ’s Version: Understanding the Biblical Born-Again Experience


The emphasis in this book is the born-again experience lived by true Christians. It is this experience of truth that Christ’s followers chose death over recantation. It explains the willingness of William Tyndale, the father of the English Bible, to be burned at the stake. The unbelievers and atheists see the second birth as a subject for amusement and mockery. But there’s no truth in their misjudgment of Christians for the reality they don’t have any understanding at all.

Christmas is About Truth and Freedom

Christmas is about Christ; but right after His birth, people dethroned Him and removed Him away from His rightful place as Savior of the world. Songs composed during this season were about food, fun, and Christmas lights. Humanity’s rejection of Christ is best expressed this time of the year such as people’s efforts to reduce Christ’s birth to a Christless feast and holiday.

The Value of Loving Christ

value of loving Christ

I want to explore the value of loving Christ our Lord. You may accuse me of discussing an offbeat topic for the unbelievers, but our niche leads us to discuss this type of conversation. The value of loving Christ is akin to divine security of immortality—your immortality!

Paradoxical Christian Teaching: Comfort in Affliction

paradoxical christian teaching comfort in affliction

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on February 14th, 2020

Paradoxical Christian Teaching

The Bible teaches that there is peace for Christ’s followers amidst the storms of life. It is an antithetical Christian teaching at the surface. The wisdom of this world suggests the idea of a predictable peace right after the tempest. Hence, the cliche: “peace after the storm” or “darkest hour before the dawn.” But what divine teaching is it that there is peace and comfort while one is in the limbo of trials and sufferings?

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Christ’s Promised Eternal Life Versus Salvation by Works Why You Really Need Eternal Life in Christ

Christs promised eternal life

Faith in Jesus is the key to living forever, “for by GRACE you have been saved through FAITH.” Christ’s promised eternal life makes sense since we are sinners and cannot impress God with our gifts and charities to the poor. Hence, our salvation, our eternal life, is “the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.”

Christian Holy Week Observance Examined Biblically

christian holy week observance

One significant question is that if we are real born-again Christians, do we need to celebrate or observe the Holy Week? In just a mouse click away, we could google dozens of the list of religious holidays (or holydays?) The Jewish religion, Islam, Catholicism, Seventh Day Adventism, among other religious groups observe “holidays requiring absence from work beyond existing Statutory Holidays.” What is the meaning of the Christian Holy Week observance among the Catholics and other Christians denominations?

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