God Giving Hope of the Apostle Paul?

A God giving hope is what we need most in this life. But do we have Him in our heart, the God who is there when everything seems to fall apart? Some believe that hope and despair share the same destination. It is not true with regards to the kind of hope that the Holy Bible is teaching.

Truly Happy and Peaceful in this Life?

truly happy life

The problem with most rich people starts when money becomes their god—their source of power and protection. Most of them live life in turmoil and confusion. They are not truly happy and peaceful in life. God said that He will add no sorrows to your wealth only if you believe it as God’s blessing to you. “It is the blessing of the LORD that makes rich, And He adds no sorrow to it,” says Proverbs. Without faith that God owns everything, then we could never be happy in this life.

Christian Prayer Gives Delight to God

On TV, we see Muslim radicals praying before launching an attack. This kind of praying in the spirit of killing will not give joy to the only true God, the Creator of heaven and earth, the God of Moses—the God of the Holy Bible, who is the Father of Christ! This prayerfulness is an ABOMINATION to the Lord. Observe the first part of the verse: “The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD…” It is no surprise to us that even the priests and “pastors” of the Christian faith may have made abominable prayers to God, for God’s word in Proverbs 15:8 states that “the prayer of the upright is His delight.” Yes, you and I may have prayed unto the Father in heaven a prayer that was not pleasing to Him. How to be UPRIGHT or RIGHTEOUS then, so that our prayer gives delight to God?

7 Mind-Blowing Things About How Trials Come to Make Us Strong At Last, the Secret to Involving Christ in Your Trials is Revealed

trials come to make us strong

The devil makes trials darker on every hand. However, in this article, we will share seven mind-blowing things about how trials come to make us strong.

Understanding Erotic Love—A Key Relationship Builder

erotic love

Understanding erotic love. The love of the opposite sex is very unstable among our youth. Why? Because of the idealism of the young for perfection, fame, money, and good looks. Hence, a long engagement is essential before marriage. The lovers need to first clear up the cobwebs of youthful dreams for a life partner. For proof that it is so, one study shows that a year of relationship before marriage is much better compared to a rush union.

Financial Education Improves Economy

financial education

Ten lottery winners were studied and found out that they were unprepared for success and wealth. Hence, we badly need a little financial education. For all of these winners returned to poverty naturally, since the large sum of money they won corrupted them. “Daydreams of a millionaire lifestyle,” wrote someone, “seem to have a habit of turning sour faster than a sub-prime mortgage–-isolation, paranoia, drugs, crime,

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