Flawed Belief System Before Learning Real Christianity

flawed belief system bythisverse

Of the judgment after death (mentioned in Hebrews 9:27) versus our typical flawed belief system. The second part of Hebrews 9:27 teaches that “after this [death] comes judgment.” We find three important points from this Scripture, namely: 1) That there will be a JUDGMENT; 2) That there will be a JUDGE, and; 3) That there will be LIFE AFTER DEATH to be JUDGED. Amazing, indeed! For only four words namely, “after this comes judgment,” we discover three very satisfying truths about who we are and what will become of us. True, there is life beyond the grave awaiting divine judgment and, of course, there will be a Judge.

Promised Immortality to Christ’s Truly Regenerated Followers

promised immortality for christians

Promised immortality to Christ’s truly regenerated followers. 1000 years life on earth is a pale comparison with the Christian promised immortality …. A brief life that is devotedly faithful to Jesus Christ as Lord and personal Savior is better off than a hundred years of a Christless existence. Leonardo da Vinci once said that “a life well-spent is a long life.” This thought, profound as it may appear, is still inadequate if used to describe the Christian hope of eternal life in heaven with God. Set side by side with the promised immortality through faith in Christ, a thousand years of life on Earth is just a pale in comparison.

Facing Trials in the Power of Abraham’s Faith

We are facing trials every once in a while as part of our unsinkable imperfections in this life. Earth is not the dreamland; suicide, therefore, is abnormal and committed by those experiencing mental illness known as depression. God’s parting words for Adam were not a happy anticipation of a life away from paradise. Now, we swallow the pill as children of Adam, the sinner. There are ordeals, tons of them in this domain. Facing trials head-on, like struggling with cancer or kidney disorder, is the only rational option available to each one of us. But we can only resist the fear associated with any form of adversity by faith in the promises of God.

God’s Way Leads Us to the Right and Safe Path

God's way leads us away from fanaticism

God’s way leads us to the right and safe path. Our life, being God-given, must always string along the right route for it was not designed for cut and try or hit and miss existence. Let’s perpetually fix in the mind that “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.”

Broken Spirit Leads to God and Faith in Jesus Christ

broken spirit leads to god contrite heart

We are closer to God only when we seem broken inwardly — in the spirit. It is the meaning of Psalm 51:17: “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; A broken and a contrite heart, O God, You will not despise.” Hence, trials are necessary for a balanced life! They are God’s will for us to believe and humble ourselves before Him. They are divine mechanisms to remind us of our dust origin. God is near to those experiencing a broken spirit and having a contrite or repentant heart.

Positive-mindedness: A Christian Trait and Strength


>We need to be positive-minded in life. It is God’s will for us. Our natural tendency, however, is to be pessimistic. Only a few people are optimistic naturally. It is one explanation why only 10% become successful.

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