One Important Life Principle

important life principle

One important life principle is to make sure we have the feeling of fulfillment and joy as we age. I heard about countless young people who did not have a sense of purpose as if life on earth will be young forever, and the grave is but a great storied fiction. Time is the utmost treasure of life. Hence, one important life principle is to focus our attention on the currency of time.

Crab Mentality, Or the Culture of Pulling Down

crab mentality

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on February 18th, 2020

Crab Mentality

One black American friend of mine told me that his problem is the crab mentality of his relatives. I think this problem is true in all cultures, for it stems from our envious and covetous nature—our nature to love what’s not ours! Like crabs, we pull down to our level anyone who will rise above us from among our clan members. As a family, we want our relative who’s richer than we are to help us and pull us out from  where we are.

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Merciful God Versus Human Arrogance and Fearlessness

plane ticket

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on February 18th, 2020

Merciful God But Terrifying

Our sense of self-confidence, superiority and pride do not please God. Although He is a merciful God, He also wills that we humble ourselves before Him. Said the atheists that religion is intellectual infancy. If religion is relationship with God, then Christ had a religion, since during His earthly ministry, He wouldn’t do anything without first saying a prayer to His Father God. Yes, Christ had a religion, but no one would dare say that our Lord had intellectual infancy in His Person. The atheists don’t include faith in their intellectual and emotional menu, for the beauty of reason and science are the ones governing and adorning their mindset. I had a casual acquaintance with atheists, and I know that even cancer or heart attack or any form of death-threat cannot change their anti-God views. But it “is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” (Heb. 10:31) For us on the opposite side, we need to be fearful to our merciful God, and here are our reasons:

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