Faith in God is Faith in the Unseen Faith is the Conviction of Things Not Seen

faith, faith in god, faith in the unseen,live by sight,believe

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on November 9th, 2022

For we walk by faith, not by sight (2 Cor. 5:7), since faith in God is faith in the unseen. Paul said that we need to walk or live by faith, not by sight. This admonition tells us not just to believe, but to keep on believing in God’s Word and to make it a way of life.

Daniel walked through faith in God. He worshiped Him daily against all odds until he was “cast into the lions’ den” because of his beliefs.

Genuine faith is just like the sun that shines continually beyond the dark, moonless night in some parts of the earth.

The Apostles did not pray to revive their faith (as if it were dead!), but to increase it to maturity.

Scriptures show that Stephen’s faith in our Lord Jesus was strengthened by the rain of stones that killed him.

To walk by faith thus is to live a life based on the “conviction of things not seen” (Heb. 11:1)—and the hope of eternal life in heaven through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Faith in God is faith in the Unseen.

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God Watches Like Father to His Son

god watches

The following poetical snippet was originally written in my Tumblr page. It is plain and no hidden meanings from the viewpoint of the universal Christian experience. Jesus Christ is giving the same faith-experience to His followers. With His indwelling Spirit in the heart, the believers in the US, in the Philippines, or in Japan (anywhere in the globe) have the same stories about how real is Jesus Christ to their lives. “As God Watches Like Father to His Son” is just the reflection on how Christ cares for His genuine followers, the born-of-God Christians.

Christian Prayer Gives Delight to God

On TV, we see Muslim radicals praying before launching an attack. This kind of praying in the spirit of killing will not give joy to the only true God, the Creator of heaven and earth, the God of Moses—the God of the Holy Bible, who is the Father of Christ! This prayerfulness is an ABOMINATION to the Lord. Observe the first part of the verse: “The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD…” It is no surprise to us that even the priests and “pastors” of the Christian faith may have made abominable prayers to God, for God’s word in Proverbs 15:8 states that “the prayer of the upright is His delight.” Yes, you and I may have prayed unto the Father in heaven a prayer that was not pleasing to Him. How to be UPRIGHT or RIGHTEOUS then, so that our prayer gives delight to God?

Faith Promise Giving is Unscriptural

faith promise giving

Jun P. Espina&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp4 min read Updated on September 17th, 2022If I were to preach on “Faith Promise Giving,” my first question would be: What’s God’s precise instruction concerning Faith Promise giving? Well, Faith Promise giving is without a supporting verse, for God does not “preach” it. Yesterday, I heard someone using the book of Esther … Read more

Great Love for Ourselves Less Love for Our God

great love for ourselves

The real problem in this life is our great love for ourselves. As such, we tend to attribute all our laurels to no one but ourselves. God, in our natural experience, seems to be just another Grandpa in our trying times. We don’t see some big deal with Him. We don’t give God the honor and glory due Him as our Heavenly Father and Creator. Our mind and heart are all focused on ourselves, on our money, job, or our relationships. Even in our deathbed, we tend to call God only as an Emergency Assistant. We all have the great love for ourselves and less love for our God.

Black Nazarene Symbolizing the Common Filipinos’ Catholicism and Devotion

black nazarene

How is one piece of wood, the so-called Black Narazene, making both news and history every January of each year in the Philippines since Catholic “devotees” worshiped it as a miraculous idol for hundreds of years? The Black Nazarene symbolizes the ordinary Filipinos’ Catholicism and devotion to a god made of wood. “Not at all,” protested the learned academicians and intellectuals who were into the Black Nazarene worship, too. It is how deep the Black Nazarene cult has permeated into the matrix of the Filipino faith system for over 200 years.

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