Jesus Christ Provides a Gift of Faith

jesus christ gift

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on February 18th, 2020

Do you have faith in Jesus Christ? Or, why do we believe in our President—why do we believe in online banking, for example? It is because we believe based on facts; or on some hard evidence of truth. But I am wondering why in spiritual matters we always find ourselves less enthusiastic to believe.  We always doubt. The apostle Peter, for example, denied Christ three times, and Thomas wouldn’t believe in Christ’s resurrection unless our Lord would appear to Him physically. Why don’t we have faith in Christ when we have all the evidence at our fingertips to prove His claims?

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Closeness to God Works

closeness god

God’s very first question to man was, “Where are you?” This very moment you may have been joyous or sad; happy or maybe angry. Every passing moment God is interested of your closeness to Him. He is interested in your fellowship with Him as He was with Adam.

Real Love of God Can be Experienced

real love god experienced

Where are you?” (Gen. 3:9) It is one verse of Scripture where God demonstrated the existence and authenticity of His real love to Adam and Eve in particular, and to all of the human race in general. God’s love is just so true as the stars in the skies or the fish in the ocean.

God’s Fellowship With Humanity is High in His agenda

god's fellowship with humanity

God’s fellowship with man is one compelling truth. Every passing moment God is interested in our closeness to Him. Intimacy absorbs Him as He called Adam to fellowship with Him even during Adam’s first ever disobedience. “Where are you?,” (Gen. 3:9) was God’s language of concern when Adam and Eve rebelled against Him. “We will come to him and make Our abode with him,” was Christ’s teaching on God’s designed union with humankind. (John 14:23b) It is God’s blueprint for the loving Creator-man relationship: making our body God Spirit’s temple. (cf. I Cor. 6:19) Wrote the apostle Paul: “Christ liveth in me.” God’s fellowship with humanity starts here in this life.

Salvation Through Faith in Christ

salvation faith christ

In her lifetime, Gadaria had all the opportunities to know Christ and His offer of free eternal life through faith in His atoning blood. But Gadaria did not seek the face of Christ in a way Mary Magdalene searched and waited for the risen Jesus at His tomb. Gadaria didn’t have the love of the truth; her deception by the devil had strengthened her grip on a false doctrine until her death—a doctrine that the money given to the Church through the priest can buy salvation and eternal life!

Second Birth Needed for Salvation

second birth

The term born again is prone to wild misuse. Its meaning is almost always clothed with mockery. Our Lord Jesus, seeing its future distortion by His enemies, spent eighteen long verses with Nicodemus in John chapter three in order that His teaching concerning man’s salvation through the second birth be made crystal clear.

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