Excellent Wife Easy to Find Things You Should About an Excellent Wife

excellent wife easy to find

Excellent wife—where are you? Well, how to find an excellent wife? Why is it that many beautiful women have become abused or divorcees and unloved while the ordinary-looking ones have already buried two husbands? It is because of pride in their looks—that they have beauty enough to start a war?

Cultivate Love Like Planting A Seed

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on November 22nd, 2022

Loving someone you don’t love at first is the mystery of being in love. I knew of a good-looking guy who married a widow who had eight children from her first husband. Or have you heard of a teenager marrying an old man she hated? But then, later on, the young girl fell in love with him. In short, love can be educated. Hence, the expression, “Teach yourself to love him (or her).” Cultivate love as if it were a seed of eternal joy.

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Learn How Greed Inspires Strange Thoughts About Love How is Love Offered by the Dominance of Greed

strange thoughts about love

Funny or strange thoughts about love continue to come and go like unwanted visitors of many healthy relationships. Have you heard about the so-called “5 Bs” that a man must require from a woman before deciding to marry her? I was a high schooler when I first heard some strange thoughts about love. They said that the ideal woman has “5 Bs,” the acronym for 1) Beauty; 2) Brain; 3) Background; 4) Behavior; and 5) Bank Book.

Understanding Erotic Love—A Key Relationship Builder

erotic love

Understanding erotic love. The love of the opposite sex is very unstable among our youth. Why? Because of the idealism of the young for perfection, fame, money, and good looks. Hence, a long engagement is essential before marriage. The lovers need to first clear up the cobwebs of youthful dreams for a life partner. For proof that it is so, one study shows that a year of relationship before marriage is much better compared to a rush union.

Love Requiring Reciprocal Affection A Quick Way to Solve a Problem with Love

love requiring reciprocal affection

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on November 22nd, 2022

Mother Teresa once said that “I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love,” while Erich Fromm taught that “Immature love says: ‘I love you because I need you.’ Mature love says ‘I need you because I love you.’” Between men and lovely women, however, a love requiring reciprocal affection is more natural and human. I don’t think the marriage will last without such chemistry at home.

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The Life of Horatio, an Unmarried Man

life challenges versus unmarried man

Life demands that everyone should follow its list of priorities, topped by food and marital stability. I heard someone say this typical family shibboleth: “College, job, family.” But Mary Kay’s philosophy of life was even superior: “God first, family second, career third.”

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