The Christian Teaching about Walking with God

walking with God

Self-satisfaction or the dopamine effect is a given in an event like this. But from the Christian doctrine, your fellowship with our Lord’s Spirit determines your walk with God or walk with the darkness. Your charities for the poor should always be the natural outcome of your true faith in Jesus Christ.



This book, CHRISTIAN TEACHINGS REVISITED, shows to the reader the basics of Christianity such as how to get salvation and to stay saved from God’s judgment. Without an interest in the spiritual realm, the careless person could not see any value from this paper. I am not surprised since he is disinterested even in studying the Holy Bible. Sidney Bremer once said, “What is $200 to a horse?” If one is not interested in the salvation of his own soul from the penalty of sin in hell — if he is not interested in Christ’s free forgiveness for him to have eternal life after death! — then even Christ Himself cannot persuade him. No one can motivate him to study Christian doctrines as they don’t taste good to him. Christianity is just meaningless to him!

Born Again Christ’s Version: Understanding the Biblical Born-Again Experience


The emphasis in this book is the born-again experience lived by true Christians. It is this experience of truth that Christ’s followers chose death over recantation. It explains the willingness of William Tyndale, the father of the English Bible, to be burned at the stake. The unbelievers and atheists see the second birth as a subject for amusement and mockery. But there’s no truth in their misjudgment of Christians for the reality they don’t have any understanding at all.


psalm 23

I am always supporting Pentecostalism, for God honors it by saving the lost through this persuasion as well. Who am I to judge what God has used for the salvation of souls? After Paul rebuked the Corinthian church for speaking in tongues like fools, he said “do not forbid to speak in tongues.” (1 Cor. 14:39) True, we cannot fathom the “fine prints” in God’s words most of the time. But the extreme Pentecostalism is just far-off; studying and exposing it is always beneficial for real Christianity that is committed to the truth. It is the very core topic of this humble work.

Christmas is About Truth and Freedom

Christmas is about Christ; but right after His birth, people dethroned Him and removed Him away from His rightful place as Savior of the world. Songs composed during this season were about food, fun, and Christmas lights. Humanity’s rejection of Christ is best expressed this time of the year such as people’s efforts to reduce Christ’s birth to a Christless feast and holiday.

Big Question Requiring an Answer in this World and Beyond

big question

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on September 3rd, 2022

The Big Question

I want to tell you one thing: we can do nothing against the truth, but only for the truth. What is the truth? The Bible teaches us that Jesus is the Truth (cf. John 14:6). If you love the Lord in your heart, it is because you love the truth—you love light rather than darkness. It is the big question that demands an answer today while we are still alive and able to decide: Do we trust wholeheartedly that Jesus Christ is the Truth and that all His claims in the Holy Bible are true?

The apostle Paul once said: “For we can do nothing against the truth, but only for the truth.” Biblically, our Lord is the Answer to all inquiries about life since He is the Truth—He is the only One perfectly knowledgeable about the mysteries and the big questions of life. “I am the vine,” He said, “you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, FOR APART FROM ME YOU CAN DO NOTHING.” Where will we turn for answers if we reject Christ, the Son of God, who is the Truth?

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