Little-Known Qualities of Good Parents Good Parents Take Care of Themselves

good parents

ood parents are rare, just as obedient children are rare. This thought is very debatable, for the evil in children is sometimes learned from the evil that is in their parents. But can we be a good parent? I believe there are tons of brilliant ideas concerning good parenthood out there, but I would want to focus on four things.

Faith Promise Giving: Money Making?

faith promise

Jun P. Espina&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp4 min read Updated on September 17th, 2022I believe Faith Promise giving, as commonly preached in Christian churches in January of each year, is creating a sense of guilt in many believers. Consider the silent pressure to sign up for a Faith Promise Card (FPC), which commits you to give a certain amount … Read more

Responsibility Redefined, Humanized—Becoming Subjective

responsibility redefined

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on June 1st, 2022

Responsibility Redefined, Loses its Objective Meaning

How do you define the word responsibility? It is a “form of trustworthiness,” according to the dictionary, “the trait of being answerable to someone for something or being responsible for one’s conduct.” Is this sense of obligation and answerability now vanishing in the sphere of politics by the dishonesty and corruption of most politicians; of religion by the dollar mentality of many religious leaders; of the family by the parents’ neglect of their children? Hence, we need our sense of trustworthiness to always harmonize with the Christian teachings. We need the biblical accountability as Christ’s people. Let us neither redefined nor humanized our version of responsibility!

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Christian Life Examined

christian life

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on February 18th, 2020

Jesus Christ said that He is the Giver of  life, for He is the Life. That is the meaning of Christian life. Jesus our Lord is the Life, He is our Life. Observe John 10:27-28: “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and I give eternal life to them, and they shall never perish; and no one shall snatch them out of My hand.”   We are complete in Christ in this life and beyond. (cf. John 15:5) A Christian life is a life of hope and victory; a life of divine peace and joy. The Bible contains true life stories of a prostitute who got changed or of a resurrected dead man.

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Hyper-Calvinism Rejected by Biblical Christians Seeing the Dangers When Theology Twists the Scriptures

calvinism,hyper-calvinism,tulip of calvinism,new calvinism, what are the five points of calvinism

What is hyper-Calvinism? What are the five points of Calvinism? I WANT TO CLARIFY that I don’t have any intention of trying to add more confusion to the hundreds of years of the Calvinism-Arminianism debate. Tozer once said that there were so many people more intelligent than we are who took part in the centuries-old Calvin-Arminius doctrinal war. All of them ended up siding with either Calvinism or Arminianism.

Salvation Through Faith in Christ

salvation faith christ

In her lifetime, Gadaria had all the opportunities to know Christ and His offer of free eternal life through faith in His atoning blood. But Gadaria did not seek the face of Christ in a way Mary Magdalene searched and waited for the risen Jesus at His tomb. Gadaria didn’t have the love of the truth; her deception by the devil had strengthened her grip on a false doctrine until her death—a doctrine that the money given to the Church through the priest can buy salvation and eternal life!

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