Real God Whom Paul Met at Damascus

real god

The deity of Christ is the heart of the Christian religion. The apostle Paul clearly taught that his “great God and Savior” is Jesus Christ. Our Lord is real God Incarnate. But the haters of the Christian faith see this teaching as unacceptable as the Bible itself. How did Paul arrive at his doctrine that Christ is our great God and Savior?

Salvation Through Faith in Christ

salvation faith christ

In her lifetime, Gadaria had all the opportunities to know Christ and His offer of free eternal life through faith in His atoning blood. But Gadaria did not seek the face of Christ in a way Mary Magdalene searched and waited for the risen Jesus at His tomb. Gadaria didn’t have the love of the truth; her deception by the devil had strengthened her grip on a false doctrine until her death—a doctrine that the money given to the Church through the priest can buy salvation and eternal life!

Second Birth Needed for Salvation

second birth

The term born again is prone to wild misuse. Its meaning is almost always clothed with mockery. Our Lord Jesus, seeing its future distortion by His enemies, spent eighteen long verses with Nicodemus in John chapter three in order that His teaching concerning man’s salvation through the second birth be made crystal clear.

The Devil’s Tranquilizing Man’s Pierced Conscience

devil tranquilizing man's pierced conscience

The devil’s tranquilizing man’s guilt is just a necessary part of Satan’s primary agenda to deceive us all. Taught our Lord Jesus Christ that heaven declares adultery even on a minor lustful look. Observed Matthew 5:27-28: “But I say to you, that everyone who looks on a woman to lust for her has committed adultery with her already in his heart.” The devil disagrees. “It is just a ‘venial sin,’” was his usual soothing pill.

Death Penalty is Anti-God?

death penalty

Death penalty is one issue that has severely divided the brilliant opinions of our day. The moralists and self-righteous ones, including the so-called religious and intellectuals, have joined forces in ringing so loudly the bell of protest that the unlearned and poor-minded become easy captives of their eloquence. “End to the death penalty,”  they cried vehemently, “for humanitarian reasons; for we are pro-life!”  What a slogan is it? Indeed, the deaf in spirit will want to hear it.  A loud and clear sympathy for life, “anti-death penalty” is a cause worthy of everyone’s  support!

Worldview Noise Blocks the Christian Gospel

world view noise by this verse

The Hindus, the Judaists, even the Catholics, the Seventh Day Adventists, the Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Mormons—all of them have their own version of worldview noise. Rejecters of Christ as the only Giver of eternal life always have good reasons for their unbelief. How to stop this noise for the gospel to be heard clearly?

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