Is Living a Sanctified or Holy Life Possible?
That is why in our SANCTIFICATION FORMULA we emphasized the involvement of Christ, our Savior and Lord, and the Holy Spirit in our sanctified life.
That is why in our SANCTIFICATION FORMULA we emphasized the involvement of Christ, our Savior and Lord, and the Holy Spirit in our sanctified life.
All his atheistic principles crumbled to pieces. He realized some life events would just come without reason. That God exists dawned on him.
Our Lord sealed off the depth of this psalm, “written about Me.” (See Luke 24:44). As with other Scriptures, Psalm 23 earns our sacred spiritual care.
The apostle Paul is one Bible character who testified that he was controlled by the love of Christ. What was Paul’s purpose in pointing up this experience of closeness with our Lord? “For the love of Christ controls us,” he said. (2 Cor. 5:14) What especial instance that had led the apostle to write his experience that the love Christ controls him?
What is most ignored in the cyber world—the Christian blog—turns out to give its writer satisfaction in the writing universe. Why? The reason is plain when by faith you hear Christ saying, “[F]or apart from Me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5) We are connected to Christ by faith. His Spirit lives in our souls, giving us hope for the future. Writing a Christian blog for the salvation of the lost gives honor and glory to our Lord—and that’s what we should do!
The power of the Christian message is proven in godless Iran and China. Research shows the growth of secret Christian churches in these countries. It is just incredible.