Fake Christians and Their Beliefs

The fake Christians in the world are growing in number. One source of their growth is the introduction of man-made teachings into the various Christian denominations. Fake Christianity has been in the world since Judas Iscariot. I want to share this paper here since it is essential for the real Christians to be able to identify the marks of the fake Christians.

Christian Prayer Gives Delight to God

On TV, we see Muslim radicals praying before launching an attack. This kind of praying in the spirit of killing will not give joy to the only true God, the Creator of heaven and earth, the God of Moses—the God of the Holy Bible, who is the Father of Christ! This prayerfulness is an ABOMINATION to the Lord. Observe the first part of the verse: “The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD…” It is no surprise to us that even the priests and “pastors” of the Christian faith may have made abominable prayers to God, for God’s word in Proverbs 15:8 states that “the prayer of the upright is His delight.” Yes, you and I may have prayed unto the Father in heaven a prayer that was not pleasing to Him. How to be UPRIGHT or RIGHTEOUS then, so that our prayer gives delight to God?

Experiencing Christ’s Ownership of Our Soul

experiencing christ's ownership of your entire life

When Christ cried out with a loud voice: “Lazarus come forth!,”  the other dead Lazaruses didn’t rise–only the brother of Mary and Martha. There’s a big difference if you’re KNOWN of the Lord. People claim they know Jesus; but does Christ KNOW them? Are we experiencing Christ’s ownership of our soul?

Different Views on Politics, Truth—Real Christianity

different views christianity

In politics, the followers of Christ are instructed not to be rebels of the duly instituted authority but rather to pray for their leaders. Some leaders of pseudo-Christian groups went to the mountains during the period of Dictator Marcos in the Philippines and became rebels and combatants. Such wasn’t fundamental Christianity. Here is Christ’s teaching: “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” (Mark 12:17).

7 Mind-Blowing Things About How Trials Come to Make Us Strong At Last, the Secret to Involving Christ in Your Trials is Revealed

trials come to make us strong

The devil makes trials darker on every hand. However, in this article, we will share seven mind-blowing things about how trials come to make us strong.

Saved by Faith in Christ Jesus Trust in the Biblical Christ and You Will Live Forever

saved by faith in christ jesus

I knew they didn’t believe that we were saved by faith in Christ Jesus alone. The book states that the Bible’s truths about sin could tongue-tie the religious cult’s best debaters. And it worked for me.

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