When Reason Surrenders to Faith
All his atheistic principles crumbled to pieces. He realized some life events would just come without reason. That God exists dawned on him.
Faith in Christ
All his atheistic principles crumbled to pieces. He realized some life events would just come without reason. That God exists dawned on him.
The apostle Paul is one Bible character who testified that he was controlled by the love of Christ. What was Paul’s purpose in pointing up this experience of closeness with our Lord? “For the love of Christ controls us,” he said. (2 Cor. 5:14) What especial instance that had led the apostle to write his experience that the love Christ controls him?
The power of the Christian message is proven in godless Iran and China. Research shows the growth of secret Christian churches in these countries. It is just incredible.
A happy life is simple to explain because happiness is pure “self-business” or the affair of the inner self. If you cannot be happy without the company of a friend or even a dog, I think you have a problem with yourself.
What’s the point of life when death is not far off? These questions have answers in all facets of human civilization. The Holy Scriptures touched them richly. You may dance all night and drench yourself with a wild orgy of music, caring nothing for the life in you that is God-given but be sure you will find nothing but meaninglessness in your slough of revelry and baseness.
Self-satisfaction or the dopamine effect is a given in an event like this. But from the Christian doctrine, your fellowship with our Lord’s Spirit determines your walk with God or walk with the darkness. Your charities for the poor should always be the natural outcome of your true faith in Jesus Christ.