Spiritual Birth Or Christ’s Spirit’s Indwelling

Spiritual Rebirth

We desire God only as our last option or until things go unusually wrong. It is our natural tilt to always trust in ourselves even though we know our potent limitations. Our nature is to crawl away from our life Source just like the sprouting bamboos orbiting away from the mother tree. Complete dependence upon our Creator cannot be our path. Christ invited us all to “seek ye first God’s kingdom.”

Little Life Story of Hope in Christ Our Savior

little life in christ jesus

I couldn’t claim any impressive record of material success. I am nothing and continue to be so until my departure from this realm. I led my family to Christ, and I’m proud of that. It is my greatest achievement: to meet my family in heaven forever!

Free Salvation Offered by Christ Jesus is Limited to Believers Only

free salvation offered by christ

Free salvation offered by Christ. . ..Christ limits His free-salvation offer only to those who believe in His atoning death on the cross. Some think the formula to live eternally is faith in Christ plus church membership, baptism, and other types of moral duty. Concerning good works, the apostle Paul declared that it is the result, and not the cause of salvation. Doing a charitable endeavor, therefore, such as giving money to feed the poor cannot clean and forgive the guilt of a sinful soul. “I am the door,” taught our Lord Jesus, “if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved.” (John 10:9) We are not the “door” to heaven; Christ is!

God’s Fellowship With Humanity is High in His agenda

god's fellowship with humanity

God’s fellowship with man is one compelling truth. Every passing moment God is interested in our closeness to Him. Intimacy absorbs Him as He called Adam to fellowship with Him even during Adam’s first ever disobedience. “Where are you?,” (Gen. 3:9) was God’s language of concern when Adam and Eve rebelled against Him. “We will come to him and make Our abode with him,” was Christ’s teaching on God’s designed union with humankind. (John 14:23b) It is God’s blueprint for the loving Creator-man relationship: making our body God Spirit’s temple. (cf. I Cor. 6:19) Wrote the apostle Paul: “Christ liveth in me.” God’s fellowship with humanity starts here in this life.

Dependence Upon God is the Key Factor


Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on March 22nd, 2020

One strange thing about man’s life is its nature of complete dependence upon another. Self-sufficiency is never life’s architecture. From his mother’s womb down to his lonely grave, something buoyed up man somehow outside of himself. His Maker breathed life upon him.

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Hyper-Calvinism Rejected by Biblical Christians Seeing the Dangers When Theology Twists the Scriptures

calvinism,hyper-calvinism,tulip of calvinism,new calvinism, what are the five points of calvinism

What is hyper-Calvinism? What are the five points of Calvinism? I WANT TO CLARIFY that I don’t have any intention of trying to add more confusion to the hundreds of years of the Calvinism-Arminianism debate. Tozer once said that there were so many people more intelligent than we are who took part in the centuries-old Calvin-Arminius doctrinal war. All of them ended up siding with either Calvinism or Arminianism.

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